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Southern Recipes 27.0
Content Arcade Apps
Best Southern Recipes Southern cooking at its finest! This amazingapp has the best Southern Recipes from traditional to contemporaryand everything in between. Basically, Southern Cooking is acombination of many different cuisines namely: French, Irish,German, English, Scottish, and Native American. Such influencehasbrought us a perfect blend of flavors that is uniquely aSouthern-way of cooking food. Best Southern Recipes app haseverything from Southern salads to desserts at your fingertips, allyou need to do is to download the app into your Android device andthere you have it! You'll be more than ready for your next Sundaydinner, family reunion, office pot-luck, birthday bash, or anyother important occasion. ThisBest Southern Recipes app will letyou discover many delicious and easy to prepare Southern recipesthat guarantee smiles. The recipes here only call for simpleingredients that you willeasily find in your local store or youmight already have in your pantry. With so many wonderful recipesto choose from, you will never run out of great ideas with thisapp!Preparing meals for your family and friends is a lot easierbecause the instructions here are made simple that even beginnerscan easily follow. Navigating your favoriteSouthern recipes hasnever been this fun. For quick access, the Best Southern Recipesapp will show different categories like Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,and Snack then it will direct you to the Southern recipes undereach category. Every single recipe is presented with a photo andall you have to do is to tap on it. Very simple isn’t it? You bet!Then in terms of Nutrition, so you will be guided accordingly,eachrecipe comes with calorie count as well as the amount ofFat,Carbohydrates, Protein, and Sodium to help you keep track with yourdiet. And to make it more convenient in planning your meals, thisapp also features a shopping list. Lastly, you can enjoytheseSouthern recipes anytime you like because once installed on yourAndroid device, you don’t need internet connection to access yourfavourite Southern dishes. So what are you waiting for? Go aheadand download this app NOW! Featured Southern Recipes in this appare the following: SOUTHERN RECIPES FOR BREAKFAST Spiced Apple andOat Pudding with Chia Pumpkin and Rice Porridge with Yogurt ChickenHam Pepper and Cheese Omelette Easy Banana Cashew MuffinsButtermilk Waffles with Berries and Maple Syrup Toasts with FetaAvocado and Pomegranates Spiced Pumpkin Pancakes SOUTHERN RECIPESFOR LUNCH Classic Shrimp Po Boy Crab Cakes and Lemony Tartar Saucewith Dill Country Style Crispy Fried Chicken with ButtermilkSouthern Fried Chicken Wings with Spicy BBQ Sauce Savory Shrimp andGrits with Thyme Zucchini and Cabbage Casserole Cheesy Mushroom andPotato Bake Creamy Potato Egg and Onion Salad Spinach Salad withShrimp and Persimmon Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan SOUTHERNRECIPES FOR DINNER Cumin Spiced Chicken Meatballs Roast Beef withPepper and Rosemary Cajun Spiced Grilled Chicken Breast with HoneyPepper Crusted Tilapia Fillet with Paprika Honey Mustard ChickenRoast Green Bean Casserole with Cheddar Easy Succotash Recipe RedCabbage and Carrot Slaw with Mango SOUTHERN RECIPES FOR SNACKSouthern-Style Yellow Cornbread Quick & Easy Choco AlmondScones Pumpkin Scones with Raisins and Walnuts Polenta Sticks withCheddar Crunchy Organic Okra Bites Easy Buttered Corn MuffinsUltimate Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Luscious Lemon Meringue Pie KeyLime Pie Home-Style Crispy Fried Apples with Cinnamon
Mediterranean Diet Recipes 18.0
Content Arcade Apps
People in the Mediterranean region gives great importance tohealthy eating and sharing meals with family and friends. TheMediterranean diet would normally come from plant sources includingvegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, beans, herbs, spices,beans, and of course their precious olive oil. Dairies like cheeseand yogurt are also a staple and they are commonly used inpreparing salads and desserts. The Mediterranean cuisine is knownfor using herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of food beingprepared. This is a healthy way to minimize the use of additionalsalt, sugar, and fat when cooking. Citrus juices like fresh lemonand lime is also a great way to add flavor to various Mediterraneandishes. Olive oil is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine becauseit is a good source of monounsaturated fats and other healthpromoting components. It is commonly used in making vinaigrettedressings, marinades, and pasta sauces. This amazing app offersdelightful Mediterranean recipes from traditional to contemporary.It has a great selection of Mediterranean recipes for Breakfast,Lunch, Dinner, and Snack as well as Dessert! You will surely lovethe recipes included here because they are bursting with wonderfulflavors. You can browse on all your favorite recipes anytime,anywhere because once downloaded into your Android device, there isno more internet connection required to run the app. Also,navigating the Best Mediterranean Recipe app is very easy becausethe recipes are sorted per meal category like Breakfast, Lunch,Dinner, and Snack. There is also a filter at the bottom wherein youcan choose the food type as well as the calorie budget that youdesire. Selecting the recipe is easy peasy all you have to do is totap on the image of the recipe and there you have it! Another coolfeature of the app is that busy people can now easily make ashopping list directly using the app by clicking on the “plus (+)sign” beside each ingredient. You simply select the items that youneed to buy and then they will go to your shopping list. Downloadthe Best Mediterranean Recipe app TODAY to get started! Here arethe featured Mediterranean Recipes: MEDITERRANEAN RECIPES FORBREAKFAST Mushroom and Rocket Frittata with Parmesan Mini Frittataswith Feta Cheese and Scallions Easy Tomato Spinach and CheeseFrittata Tomato Pepper and Cheese Frittata Cheesy Zucchini Frittatawith Dill Tomato Spinach and Dill Frittata MEDITERRANEAN RECIPESFOR LUNCH Citrus Shrimp Pasta Salad Mediterranean Veggie Salad withFeta Tossed Fresh Salad with Creamy Italian Dressing YummyGreek-Style Salad Recipe Potato Tuna and Egg Salad Spinach PastaOlives and Rocket with Cheese Cheesy Zucchini and Tomato CasseroleSpaghetti Carbonara with Chicken Ham and Herbs Spaghetti withZucchini and Mushroom Gnocchi Turkey Ham and Olives in Tomato SauceMEDITERRANEAN RECIPES FOR DINNER Meat and Zucchini LasagnaTagliatelle with Tuna in Pesto Sauce Spiced Shrimp Pasta in TomatoSauce Penne with Beef and Sun-Dried Tomatoes Easy Homemade ChickenCacciatore Homemade Seafood Pizza Easy Beef and Mushroom RisottoCreamy Clam Risotto with Parmesan Homemade Spinach Risotto withCheddar MEDITERRANEAN RECIPES FOR SNACK Home-Style Vegan PizzaVegetarian Pizza with Mozzarella Tomato Onion and Herb BruschettaEasy Caprese Salad Bruschetta Feta Cherry Tomato and Olive BitesMEDITERRANEAN RECIPES FOR DESSERT Creamy Panna Cotta with MixedBerry Compote Risotto with Yogurt and Raspberries Homemade YummyTiramisu Easy Homemade Almond Biscotti Cherry Ricotta GelatoItalian Amaretti Cookies
Holiday Recipes 2.0
Content Arcade Apps
Holiday RecipesHoliday Cooking is made easy with the help of this amazing app!Everyone is looking forward to the “Holidays” because it istheperfect time to be merry and spend more quality time withourfamily and friends.Whether it is Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Yearcelebration,any festivity won’t be complete without having to sharea sumptuousmeal with our loved ones. This recipe app will give youso manygreat ideas on what to serve for the holidays.From classic to contemporary Holiday Recipes, this apphaseverything you need to have a stress-free holiday. It has adiverseselection of recipes that are made simple and only calls forbasicingredients which you can easily buy even at your localgrocerystore. Remember, planning your meals in advance can help yousave alot of time, energy, and money during the holidays.From starters to mains and up to desserts this app gotyoucovered, all you need to do is to download the app intoyourAndroid device and you can start right away! You’ll be morethanready to host your next dinner party at home. You can evenlearnhow to cook your own Holiday Turkey! Isn’t that great? Youbet.Navigating your favorite Holiday Recipes has never been thiseasyand fun. For quick access, the app will show differentcategorieslike Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack then you willsee therecipes under each category. Every single recipe ispresented with aphoto and all you have to do is to tap on it.Alternatively, you canuse the filter option on the lower rightportion. You can select theingredient type and calorie budget thatyou desire. Easy peasyright? The Holiday Recipes app provides nutritional information foreachrecipe, so you can keep track with your diet. Also, to makemenuplanning more convenient for you, this app also features ashoppinglist. All you need to do is to select the ingredients thatyou needto buy.Lastly, you can enjoy these Holiday recipes anytime youlikebecause once installed on your Android device, there is nomoreinternet connection required to access them.So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and download this appNOW!
Healthy Eating - Healthy Food Recipes 9.0
Content Arcade Apps
Healthy Eating - Healthy Food Recipes is an app that contains easy,tasty, and healthy food recipes that you can choose to include whenplanning your meals. There is nothing better than a home-preparedmeal that is why we developed this Healthy Meals app. If you are avery busy person but gives importance to your health, this can beyour “go to” app for preparing healthy breakfasts, lunches,dinners, and snacks as well as desserts. This way you will beguaranteed that you will get the much needed nutrients from food tomaintain optimal health. This Healthy food recipes app will provideyou with a variety of healthy recipes that makes use of simple,fresh, and natural ingredients that you can easily buy from yourlocal store. Navigating your favorite healthy recipes has neverbeen this quick, easy, and fun. This Healthy eating app will showyou different categories such as Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, andSnack then it will bring you to all the recipes that falls undereach category. Then, each recipe comes with an image and all youhave to do is to tap on it. So easy isn’t it? You bet! Then interms of Nutrition, each recipe provides a calorie count as well asthe amount of Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Sodium to aid you inkeeping track with your diet. Also, to make it more user-friendly,this app features a shopping list wherein you just add all theingredients that you need to buy and it will all show in one go.Lastly, you can enjoy these healthy recipes anytime you likebecause once installed on your Android device, there is no moreinternet connection required to access your favorite recipes. I amsure you are excited to learn and try how good these recipes are.So, don’t wait another minute DOWNLOAD this amazing app NOW! Hereare some of the featured healthy food recipes in this app: HEALTHYBREAKFAST RECIPES Tropical Quinoa Porridge Buckwheat Porridge withNuts and Sultanas Avocado Egg and Tomato Open Sandwich Chia Yogurtand Blueberry Pudding Shrimp Pepper and Tomato Frittata Tuna andVeggie Sandwich Spiced Pumpkin Pancakes HEALTHY LUNCH/DINNERRECIPES Chicken and Veggie on Lettuce Wrap Stuffed Cabbage inTomato Sauce Sesame Beef Stir-Fry with Vegetables Herbed Couscouswith Grilled Chicken and Vegetables Grilled Cajun Salmon Steak ClamStew with Ginger and Chili Leaves Curried Seitan with Green PeasOrange Shrimp Pasta Salad HEALTHY SNACK RECIPES Radish CottageCheese and Herb Canapé Rainbow Fruit Kebabs Rose Water ScentedNectarine Pudding Blackberry Yogurt Delight Easy Caprese SaladBruschetta Fresh Fruit Salad with Mint
Asian Recipes - Easy Asian Food Recipes offline 17.0
Content Arcade Apps
Asian Recipes app has a wide selection of authentic Asian foodrecipes from traditional to something extraordinary. Be it forBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snack, and even Dessert! You will surelylove the recipes included here because they are bursting withwonderful flavors. The Asian cuisine is one of the most popularcuisines because of its distinct unique flavor as well as thecooking method used, most of them are just basic like -stir-frying, steaming, and baking, but still yield a dish that isso flavorful and guaranteed to impress everyone. It makes use ofdifferent kind of seasonings, spices, and herbs that are common inthe Asian region to enhance the natural flavor of your dishes. TheAsian Recipes app lets you browse on all your favorite recipesanytime, anywhere because once downloaded into your Android device,there is no more internet connection required to run the app. Also,navigating the Asian Recipes app is very easy because the recipesare sorted per meal category like Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, andSnack. There is also a filter at the bottom wherein you can choosethe food type as well as the calorie budget that you desire. Inselecting the recipe, all you have to do is to tap on the image ofthe recipe and there you have it! Download the Asian Recipes appTODAY and surely you will find something that you might want to tryon your next meal!
Healthy Snacks recipes 13.0
Content Arcade Apps
This Healthy Snacks app contains delicious and nutritious snackrecipes that are very easy to make. Snacks are the small meals thatwe take in-between 3 major meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner). Toachieve optimal health, having a healthy snack is important becauseit can aid in replenishing the body with nutrients for a morestable source of energy to last until your next meal. Snacks aresupposed to be light meals that can give you at least ¼ of yourdaily calories to allow your body to get through without beinghungry until your next meal. Eating healthy snacks can also preventa person to binge eat. “Binge eating” is classified one of theeating disorders that can lead a person to easily gain more weight.At present, one of the leading health concerns is obesity. It comeswith very aggressive marketing of common snack products like sodas,chips, French fries, donuts, and other food items that are high insugar and unhealthy fats. To avoid this, we bring you an app togive you various healthy snack options. Choosing the right kinds offood to eat particularly during snack time is likewise important,so that you will be rewarded with a healthy body as well as a soundmind. Healthy snacks can provide you with foods that are rich indietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These aresignificant components in making sure that all of your body organsare functioning well. In this app, you will find snack recipes thathave nutrient-dense ingredients like vegetables, fresh fruits,dairies, wholegrains, seeds, and nuts to help you improve yoursnack choices as well as allow you to eat healthy foods thatpromote optimal health. This Healthy Snacks app offers a wideselection of recipes like fresh vegetables with healthy dips,various salad options, and amazing fresh fruit beverages.Navigating recipes using this app is very easy. It will show youdifferent categories such as Appetizers, Salads, and Desserts, thenit will give you all the recipes that falls under each category.Every single recipe comes with an image and all you have to do isto tap on it to show the recipe. When it comes to Nutrition, eachrecipe has a calorie count as well as the amount of Fat,Carbohydrates, Protein, and Sodium per serving to help in keepingtrack with your diet. Another cool feature is that you can easilyselect all the ingredients that you need to buy and it will allshow in the Shopping List. Lastly, you can enjoy these healthysnack recipes anytime because once installed on your Androiddevice, you don’t need to stay connected in the internet just toaccess your favorite recipes. So, now is the time to enjoy them!DOWNLOAD this wonderful app NOW! Here are some of the featuredrecipes in this app: HEALTHY APPETIZERS RECIPES Vegetable Stickswith Spiced Yogurt Dip Herbed Cottage Cheese on Whole WheatCrackers Tomato and Herb Bruschetta Veggies with Garlic HummusHomemade Baked Potato Fries HEALTHY SALADS RECIPES Garden Saladwith Strawberry Vinaigrette Mangoes and Cherry Tomatoes Salad BeetCucumber and Tomato Salad Radish Cucumber and Herb Salad HEALTHYDESSERTS RECIPES Healthy Homemade Apple Chips Carrot Orange CakeHomemade Blueberry Lemon Muffin Apple Walnut and Raisin MuffinYogurt Cereal and Berry Parfait HEALTHY BEVERAGES RECIPES PineappleKiwi and Coconut Pleasure Easy Orange Carrot and Ginger JuiceWatermelon and Strawberry Surprise Beetroot Tomato and Carrot BlastChoco Almond Protein Shake
Healthy Recipes ebook - Free Recipe App 6.4
Content Arcade Apps
Healthy Recipes ebook - Free Recipe App provides you an innovativeway of cooking fast food using an incredible machine called the“Air Fryer”. Healthy recipes ebook allows you to enjoy your foodwithout having to worry about calories and too much fat in yourfood. This free app will give you all from your favorite FrenchFries to Meatloaf to Chocolate Cake, this air fryer machine has theability to fry, grill fast food, roast, and bake healthy foodwithout having the need to add too much fat or oil. This moderncooking method with advance healthy food cooking recipes will bebeneficial for those people who are watching their weight becausethey can still get that desired taste and texture with lessercalories. With the help of this healthy air fryer and free recipeapp, even people suffering from health issues like heart diseaseand hypertension, can now enjoy great healthy meals recipes withouthaving to worry about their blood cholesterol levels. It makes thempossible to include air fried foods as a part of their healthy dietrecipes because it requires much less fat. With regard to taste andcook healthy food, using a Hot Air Fryer tastes even better. Youcan season your food with different herbs and spices before orafter cooking your food in the Air Fryer. Learn cooking usingmodern cooking method, hot fryer and become master air fryer.Maintaining a healthy body weight and preventing chronic diseasesis easy with the help of this amazing Healthy Recipes ebook - FreeRecipe App. Sounds good right? Now, DOWNLOAD this Air Fryer Recipesapp and start enjoying all the street food recipes here! Hot AirFrying is a new and healthy way of cooking by using modern cookingmachine that’s called “Air Fryer”. Air frying your food will allowyou to enjoy your meal with healthy diet recipes. From yourfavorite french fries to chocolate cake all cooking recipes areavailable in this free recipes ebook in hindi, this machine has theability to fry, roast, grill, and bake without adding too much oilor fat. We realize how hard it is to cooking healthy diet andmaintain healthy body weight and prevent chronic illnesses, butwith these easy healthy airfryer recipes it becomes easier. In ourairfryer cookbook app, you can choose recipes recipes for health.Highlights of Healthy Recipes ebook - Free Recipe App Features: Themy recipes app is simple and easy to use Free download and samplefood cooking recipes Filter recipes by main ingredient Add allfavorite recipes to list of Favorites Free and offline recipe appwith 1000+ cooking recipes Easy Air Fryer recipes for everyone Thiseasy healthy airfyer cooking is a modern method that will benefitpeople who are following a healthy diet or watching their weight,as they can still get the desired taste with lesser calories. Whenit comes to taste, food cooked with hot AirFryer will taste verygood. Cooking healthy food in different taste and recipes has beenmade very simple here in this simulation cooking app. Quick recipeapp lets you cook nearly everything, easily and quickly. Now youcan make anything with less oil and zero mess here. If it soundstempting and now you want an air fryer with 1000+ cooking recipesebook, download this app right now. DOWNLOAD this best HealthyRecipes ebook - Free Recipe App is here NOW and start livinghealthy life! If you like our airfryer cookbook app, then don’tforget to rate and review us.
Lunch Box Recipes 9.0
Content Arcade Apps
LUNCHBOX RECIPES This is a great app for people that are always onthe GO. For busy people, one of the biggest challenges is to findtime to prepare a decent meal for lunch. But, with proper menuplanning and with the help of this app, you can easily whip upsomething to bring along with you in school or in your workplace.We know that eating from fast food or restaurant is the way to gofor most busy people. But remember, too much consumption of fastfood can be detrimental to our health because it can lead to manydegenerative diseases like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension,kidney disease, and even some forms of cancer. Apart from this, itis also not good budget-wise because it can be costly. This Lunchbox Recipes app will help you overcome this challenge. It has manygreat ideas on how to prepare your own lunches at home. It allowsyou to use your creativity and ensures that the food you eatregularly are healthy and safe. This Lunch box Recipes app aims towiden your selection for food that you can bring along and get youthrough your busy schedule. You’ll find here so many deliciousrecipes that you can pack on your lunchbox and conveniently enjoyin school or in your workplace. Also, included here are severalrecipes that you can make in advance or something that you caneasily prepare in the morning. Busy moms will surely benefit fromthis Lunch box Recipes app, because the recipes here will ensurethat their kids will get all the nutrients they need to stay activeand do better in school. Navigating your favorite recipes is veryeasy. This Lunch box Recipes app will show you different categoriessuch as Main Dish, Side Dish, Salad, Appetizer, and Dessert then itwill bring you to all the recipes that falls under each category.You can select the desired recipe by tapping on the photo. For eachrecipe, a Nutritional Information is provided towards the end soyou can quickly check the amount of Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates,Protein, and Sodium that each has. This is to aid you in keepingtrack with your diet. Also, to make it more user-friendly, thisLunch box Recipes app features a shopping list wherein you willonly add all the ingredients that you need to buy and it will allshow in the Shopping List section. Lastly, you can enjoy thesehealthy recipes anytime because once installed on your Androiddevice, there is no more internet connection required to accessyour favorite recipes. So, let’s get started by DOWNLOADING thisLunch box Recipes app NOW!
Healthy Freezer Meals 7.0
Content Arcade Apps
If you are tired of the usual fast-food take outs, this is theperfect app for you! This Easy Freezer Meal Recipes app is what youneed to bring back delicious home-cooked meals on your dinner tableeven during busy weeknights. At present, Freezer Meals or alsoknown as Make Ahead Meals are becoming very popular because itallows you to enjoy “real food” even when things get very busyespecially during work week. This method of preparing food involvescooking in batches and stacking them in your freezer, so they areready to use whenever you need them. It saves you time, energy andeven money because you can prepare your food for the entire week oreven for the whole month! Incredible isn’t it? This Healthy FreezerMeals app offers many delicious Freezer Meal recipes for Breakfast,Lunch, Dinner, and Snack as well as Dessert. It is a smart way ofplanning meals for you and your family, whether it is just for abusy week that you are preparing or making it a regular habit toensure that you are eating well for weeks. The Freezer Mealsincluded in this app are very easy to make and would only require afew minutes of your time to prepare. The instructions arebeginner-friendly and the ingredients needed are just basic. Onceyou have downloaded this Healthy Freezer Meals app on your Androiddevice, you can easily browse on all your favorite Freezer Mealrecipes anytime you like, because you don’t need to stay connectedin the internet to access them. You will find that the recipes areeasy to navigate because the recipes are laid out per meal categorylike Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack. There is also a filter atthe bottom wherein you can choose the food type or a specificcalorie budget that you want. Then, you can select just by tappingon the image of the recipe. Enjoy home-cooked meals anytime withthis awesome app. Get started by DOWNLOADING this app NOW!
Salad Recipes - Green vegetable salad recipes 22.0
Content Arcade Apps
This Salad Recipes app for people who loves Salad and those whowould want to maximize the use of vegetables and fruits byincluding them into their healthy diet. Download our salad recipesapp which contains tons of salad recipes, pasta salad recipes,green salad recipes, green salad recipes and chicken salad recipes.We all know that both vegetables and fruits contain high amounts ofvitamins, minerals, and potent antioxidants that can strengthen thebody’s immune system and promote optimal health. Salads are also anexcellent source of dietary fiber and water which can satisfy yourhunger that could last for several hours. This is the reason whymany people would go for the salad route when they want to cut downon their weight. Just bear in mind that when you want to loseweight you should go for the healthier kind of dressings so you canalso cut back on the amount of calories. The fun part of saladmaking is that you can add any ingredient that you like and that itonly needs a few minutes of your time. The list of ingredients areendless, from the leafy greens to other kinds of veggies to fruitsto nuts. Of course you should not miss out on the dressing, becauseit brings out more flavor in your salad dishes, but you must choosethe healthier kinds of fat when creating your salad dressings. Youcan also create a complete meal just by adding some protein sourcesuch as roasted chicken, boiled egg, grilled tuna, and spicedshrimps. Included in this Salad Recipes app is a wide selection ofvegetable salad recipes that you can prepare for lunch, dinner, andsnacks. Then for dessert, this Salad Recipes app features deliciousand nutritious fresh fruit salad recipes. And lastly, to make itmore convenient for you, this Salad Recipes app features “Salad ina Jar” that you can prepare in advance and keep in the refrigeratorto grab anytime you want. With the help of this amazing SaladRecipes app, navigating your favorite recipes is very easy. It willshow you different categories such as Main Dish, Side Dish, Snack,and Dessert then it will give you all the recipes that falls undereach category. You can select the desired recipe just by tapping onthe corresponding image. To help you further, a NutritionalInformation is provided towards the end, so you can quickly checkthe amount of Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Sodiumthat each one has. This can help in keeping track with your diet.Also, to make it more user-friendly, this Salad Recipes appfeatures a shopping list wherein you will only add all theingredients that you need to buy and it will all show in theShopping List section of the app. Lastly, you can enjoy yourfavorite salad recipes anytime you like because once installed onyour Android device, there is no more internet connection requiredto access them. So, let’s get started by DOWNLOADING this app NOW!
Appetizers Recipes Ideas 11.0
Content Arcade Apps
Easy Appetizer Recipes This amazing app has a great selection ofmouthwatering and easy to prepare Appetizer recipes! There is nobetter way to begin a meal than by having a good appetizer becauseit stimulates the appetite and make one ready for the next course.At parties, it is common to have appetizers together with somedrinks as this can set the mood for the rest of the evening.Believe it or not, these small bites also known as finger foods canmake any occasion more fun and enjoyable. This Appetizer Recipesapp will help you learn how to make various appetizers that you canserve for dinner or any occasion which you might have. It containsa wide array of scrumptious little morsels, soups, and salads thatwill take your palate on a culinary journey which covers differentcuisines such as Mediterranean, Asian, and Middle-Eastern. Most ofthe recipes in this app are very easy to make and would onlyrequire a few minutes of your time. The instructions are prettybasic so even beginners can easily follow. Once the app isdownloaded on your Android device, you can browse on all yourfavorite Appetizer recipes anytime, because there is no moreinternet connection required to run the app. Isn’t that cool? It isvery user-friendly too, the recipes are sorted per meal categorylike Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack. There is also a filter atthe bottom wherein you can choose the food type or a specificcalorie budget that you want. Then, in choosing the recipe, all youneed to do is to tap on the image of the recipe and there you go!You are guaranteed to enjoy all the Appetizer recipes included inthis app because they are packed with awesome flavors. So now, getstarted by DOWNLOADING this app NOW! Here are some of the featuredrecipes in this app: APPETIZERS / FINGER FOOD RECIPES FOR SNACKCrab and Corn Canapé with Caviar Beet Pesto Canapé with ShavedParmesan Radish Cottage Cheese and Herb Canapé Bruschetta withTomato Mozzarella and Herb Pita Crisps with Tzatziki Dip EasySalmon Yogurt and Herb Canapé Quick and Easy Devilled EggsOven-Baked Mozzarella Sticks with Herbs Mini Caprese Salad SkewersTuna and Cucumber Canapés APPETIZER RECIPES FOR LUNCH MarinatedCucumber and Onion Salad Arugula Salad with Mozzarella andPomegranates Quick and Easy Caprese Salad Strawberry Spinach andGoat Cheese Salad Fresh Beet Cucumber and Tomato Salad ClassicHerbed Tomato Soup APPETIZER RECIPES FOR DINNER Garden Fresh Saladwith Ranch Dressing Creamed Broccoli and Dill Soup with CroutonsPumpkin Soup with Sour Cream Vegetarian Salad Greek-Style Beet andRocket Salad with Gorgonzola
Quick & Easy Mug Recipes 6.0
Content Arcade Apps
Cooking in a MUG using your microwave is an innovative way tocreate a quick, easy, and delicious meal. Common dishes that can becooked using this method are omelet, pasta, soups, and cakes. Sincewe are now living in a fast-paced society, we are normally pressedwith time that even cooking meals can sometimes become a tedioustask. This type of cooking is suited for people who are always onthe go and don’t have the time to prepare a meal in a traditionalway. With this Quick & Easy Mug Recipes app, you have no morereason to skip a meal or enjoy a comforting soup or dessert.Because this amazing app can help you create delicious meals injust 5 minutes or less. All you need are just a few ingredients, alarge mug, and your microwave oven. This Quick & Easy MugRecipes app lets you save time in preparing and cooking food, soyou can have more time in dealing with other tasks. And since thistype of cooking only requires a mug, there are no more pots andpans to clean afterwards. The Mug recipes in this app are very easyto make, just mix all the ingredients together in your mug, thenplace it inside a microwave oven, let it cook for a couple ofminutes and there you have it! A freshly cooked food that is alsodelicious and filling! This Quick & Easy Mug Recipes app isvery user-friendly, you can browse the recipes using thesecategories – Omelet, Soup, Pasta and Cake. There is also a filterat the bottom wherein you can choose the food type or a specificcalorie budget that you desire. To select, simply tap on the imageof the recipe and there you go! Once you have downloaded the Quick& Easy Mug Recipes app on your Android device, you can browseon all your favorite recipes anytime, because there is no moreinternet connection required to run this app. You will surely enjoyall the Mug recipes included in this app because they are flavorfuland satisfying. So now, get started by DOWNLOADING this app NOW!Here are some of the featured recipes in this app: QUICK & EASYOMELET MUG RECIPES Chicken Pea and Parmesan Omelette in a MugHerbed Mushroom Omelette in a Mug Breakfast Omelette in a Mug QUICK& EASY SOUP MUG RECIPES Creamy Potato Mug Soup with Turkey BitsSpiced Pumpkin Soup in a Mug Tomato Soup with Chicken SausageCreamy Mushroom Soup in a Mug QUICK & EASY PASTA MUG RECIPESItalian Sausage and Pasta Soup in a Mug Cheesy Pasta with Beef in aMug QUICK & EASY CAKE MUG RECIPES Banana Cream Mug CakeBlueberry and Ricotta Mug Cake Minty Choco Hazelnut Mug CakeGluten-Free Chocolate Mug Cake with Red Currants Spiced Banana andCashew Mug Cake Pumpkin Orange Mug Cake
Pasta Recipes - Easy Pasta Salad Recipes App 17.1
Content Arcade Apps
Learn Pasta Recipes & Pasta Salad Recipes, spaghetti recipesand Lasagna recipes in easy steps. This Easy Pasta Recipes appbrings you a great collection of pasta recipes from traditional tocontemporary recipes that are extremely filling and rich in flavor.We know that Pasta is a staple food in the Mediterranean region andalso widely used across the globe. This is because pasta is such aversatile ingredient and can be used to prepare various dishes.From salads to soups to mains… you can surely come up withsomething delicious and satisfying whether for lunch, dinner oreven snack. Pasta is a very good substitute to rice, bread andother starchy foods because it can get you a long way withoutfeeling hungry. Just toss some vegetables to make a salad, servedwith your choice of dressing such as lemon vinaigrette.Alternatively, you can serve it with your favorite homemade pastasauce such as pesto sauce, tomato-based sauce, cream-based sauce,or oil-based sauce. Easy Pasta Recipes app has everything you needat your fingertips, all you have to do is to download this Pastarecipes app on your Android device and there you go! You'll be morethan ready for your next pot-luck, family reunion, or even just asimple Sunday family dinner at home. This Pasta Recipes app willlet you discover many delicious and easy to prepare pasta recipesthat only require simple ingredients. You will surely findsomething that will suit your mood or the occasion. Navigating yourfavorite Pasta recipes has never been this easy and fun. This PastaRecipes app will show you different categories like Main Dish, SideDish and Salad. Each pasta recipe comes with a photo and all youhave to do is to tap on it. Very simple isn’t it? You bet! To guideyou in terms of Nutrition, each recipe is presented with caloriecount as well as the amount of Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, andSodium so you can keep track with your diet. Also, to make it moreconvenient for you in planning meals, this app features a shoppinglist. Lastly, you can enjoy these Pasta recipes anytime you likebecause once installed on your Android device, you don’t need tostay connected in the internet just to access your favorite Pastadishes. Try one of these Pasta recipes on your next meal and surelyyour family and friends will be delighted! So what are you waitingfor? Go ahead and DOWNLOAD this Pasta recipes app NOW! Here aresome of the featured recipes in this app: EASY MAIN DISH PASTARECIPES Pasta Salmon and Cheese Casserole Chicken Lasagna withBechamel Sauce Seafood Pasta with Fresh Parmesan Pasta withSun-Dried Tomatoes and Anchovies Easy Beef and Zucchini LasagnaEasy Pasta ala Vongole in White Wine Sauce Spaghetti with MeatballSauce and Parmesan Spicy Spaghetti with Prawns and Herbs Fusilliwith Salmon and Spinach in Cream Sauce Herbed Artichoke Pasta withParmesan EASY SIDE DISH PASTA RECIPES Baked Mac and Cheese CreamyMac and Cheese Recipe Pasta with Mixed Vegetables Stir Fry Pennewith Eggplant Tomato and Basil Veggie and Pasta Medley RecipeSpaghetti with Stewed Tomatoes Basil and Garlic EASY PASTA SALADRECIPES Easy Chicken Macaroni Salad Spicy Pasta Salad with Feta andBasil Spiral Pasta and Mixed Vegetable Salad Arugula and PastaSalad with Pesto Sauce Cheesy Pasta Salad with Egg
Kid Friendly Recipes 5.0
Content Arcade Apps
This Kid-Friendly Recipe app is a great help for parents especiallymothers in ensuring that their kids are getting the right amount ofnutrients they need for growth and development. A growing childneeds proper nourishment because this is the time when a childfurther develop his/her body, mind, as well as social being. He/shewould often require enough calories to compensate for the lostenergy during play time, studying, and other activities throughoutthe day. It is a common problem among parents to have a hard tofeed child. This amazing recipe app can help you find a solution tobetter deal with them. This Kid-Friendly Recipe app offers a wideselection of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Itprovides many great ideas on how to make meals fascinating forchildren and agreeable both in taste and in the eyes. People have ahabit of eating with the eyes first and the same goes for ourchildren. If they don’t like what they see or the look of the dishbeing served to them, then most likely they will not eat whateverit is that you have prepared for them. This app brings you easy andfun to make recipes that your kids will surely enjoy. All you haveto do is to download and install this app on your Android device,then you can already browse on all the recipes anytime, anywhere.There is no more internet connection required to run thisapplication. Pretty cool isn’t it? It is very user-friendly too,the recipes are sorted per meal category like Breakfast, Lunch,Dinner, and Snack. There is also a filter at the bottom wherein youcan choose the food type or a specific calorie budget that youwant. When choosing the recipe, all you have to do is to tap on thephoto of the recipe and there you go! Get started by DOWNLOADINGthis amazing app NOW!   Here are some of the featured recipes inthis app: KID-FRIENDLY RECIPES FOR BREAKFAST Cat-Like Egg Salad onToast Mini Berry Granola and Yogurt Parfait Kiddie Pancakes withBerries Mini Buttermilk Pancakes with Strawberry Sauce Cream ofWheat Cereal with Banana and Maple Crepes with Banana Berry andCream Breakfast Omelette with Mushroom and Tomato KID-FRIENDLYRECIPES FOR LUNCH Creamy Baked Pasta and Cheese Cheesy Mini PizzaRecipe Chicken Cheese and Tomato Pinwheel Sandwich Creamy Chickenand Vegetable Soup Kiddie Spinach Sweet Potato and Sour Cream SoupKID-FRIENDLY RECIPES FOR DINNER Ribbon Pasta with Feta and TomatoSweet-Style Spaghetti Bolognese Macaroni and Cheese with Turkey HamYummy Chicken and Vegetable Stew Marinated Tofu and VegetableKebabs Crisp and Healthy Vegetable Mix KID-FRIENDLY RECIPES FORSNACK Creamy Rice Pudding with Strawberry Jam Easy Ants on a LogGreen Grape Skewers and Cheddar Blueberry Bran Muffin TropicalIsland Fruit Dessert
Egg Recipes - Easy Egg Recipes for Breakfast 6.0
Content Arcade Apps
This Healthy & Easy Egg Recipes app brings you delicious andeasy to prepare egg based recipes like Frittata Recipes, ScrambledEggs Recipes, Quiche recipes and Omelette recipes. Egg is aversatile ingredient, you can create countless dishes using egg. Itis also packed with many essential nutrients including protein,vitamins, and minerals that are needed for optimum health. The funpart of cooking with eggs is that you can add any ingredient thatyou like and that it only needs a few minutes of your time. Thelist of ingredients are endless, but the most commonly used inmaking egg dishes are cheese, herbs, and vegetables. You can alsocreate a more complex dish by adding some chopped meat, chicken,fish or seafood. With the help of this amazing egg recipes app,navigating your favorite healthy egg recipes is very easy. It willshow you different categories such as Omelette, Frittata, Quiche,Scrambled, and Others. You can select the desired egg recipe justby tapping on the corresponding image. To help you further, aNutritional Information is provided towards the end, so you caneasily check the amount of Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, andProtein as well as Sodium that each recipe has. This can help youin keeping track with your diet. Also, to make it more convenientfor you, this awesome egg recipes app features a shopping listwherein you can add all the ingredients that you need to buy andthen it will all show in the Shopping List section of the eggrecipes app. Finally, you can enjoy your favorite egg recipesanytime you want because once installed on your Android device,there is no more internet connection needed to access them. So,let’s get started by DOWNLOADING this egg recipes app NOW! Here aresome of the featured Egg recipes in this app: OMELETTE RECIPESMushroom Omelette with Basil Asparagus and Parmesan OmeletteBreakfast Omelette with Mushroom and Tomato Easy Bean and CorianderOmelette Mediterranean Style Omelette Shrimp and Cheddar Omelettewith Chives FRITTATA RECIPES Herbed Tuna and Spinach FrittataZucchini Cheese and Dill Frittata Minced Chicken and Onion FrittataPotato Pea and Onion Frittata Mini Frittatas with Cottage Cheeseand Chives Pepper Mushroom and Cheese Frittata QUICHE RECIPESLeftover Salmon and Cherry Tomato Quiche Chicken and MixedVegetable Quiche with Mozzarella Herbed Mushroom and Cheese QuicheZucchini Tomato and Olive Quiche Cheesy Broccoli and Onion QuicheOTHER EGG RECIPES Baked Egg in Red Bell Pepper Cup Spiced Egg SaladCanapé Easy Egg and Tomato Salad Open Faced Egg Sandwich withAvocado and Tomato Scrambled Eggs with Cherry Tomatoes and GreenOnions Scrambled Eggs with Tomato and Paprika Scrambled Eggs withMinced Chicken and Herb
Reverse Image Search - Search by Image 21.8990
Content Arcade Apps
Reverse Image Search is an app that functions as famous reverseimage search and simplifies for you the process of similar imagesearch or search by image, downloading them and then sharing themin your emails, chats or other apps. This is a handy free reversephoto search or pictures search app which you can use to look upfor millions of high-quality images, wallpapers and more! ReverseImage Search is one of the simplest and easiest photo searchingapps. With this free Reverse Image Search app you are just a singletap away from searching your images with hundreds of similar ormatching images from across the globe. This handy image reversesearch app uses various powerful and popular search engines forimage searching purpose. This reverse image search android app isvery much similar to the reverse image search in functionality. Theobjective of this reverse photo search app is to let people searchfor the similar images in the easiest way possible. Features ofReverse Image Search app: - Simple, quick and reliable app forimage search - Free Reverse Image Search works same as reverseimage search - Search for images using the images in mobile gallery- Search for images using the URL of the image - Option to choosethe preferred search engine - Option to choose the preferredbrowser for search results - A user-friendly app that doesn’trequire you to be experienced in order to use it Steps for usingReverse Image Search app: - Download and install the Reverse ImageSearch app in your android device - Open the app and upload thesaved picture from the appropriate folder Or Upload the URL of theimage you want to search Or - Click on the “Search Similar Images”button - The app will search the whole internet thoroughly by yourbrowser for all the similar images that match to the sample image -You will be directed to the image reverse search results in thebrowser. Some of the quick uses of Reverse Image Search app: - Forthe identification of fake profiles on social networking websites -To find out the real identity of a person on various websites -Search the details of a particular image over internet - To get thehigh resolution of images or wallpapers - Travelers can use theReverse Image Search app to search for the name or details of theexact location or a particular place in the image - To find thewebpage where the image is originally located - As an image sourcelocator or an image source finder in order to track down any imageThis Reverse Image Search app can help you in digging out theuseful information by searching the internet carefully for thesimilar images that match the sample image that you have given theapp, in all possible sizes and in a matter of seconds. Reversephoto search app is one of the coolest app for image searching andwe promise you that you will get to benefit from some moreintelligent, awesome and innovative features in the upgradedversions of this app. Note: - All the images that you may upload onthis app are only used for search purposes, they are neither storednot shared. Your privacy and confidentiality is respected and willnot be violated in any way. - Reverse Image Search app by ContentArcade Apps is a free, independent app and you might come acrosssome minor ads which is not something to worry about. - If you comeacross any issue regarding the app, please give us a brief reviewdescribing the problem and contact us via e-mail. So now, what areyou waiting for? Download this amazing app NOW and search for theimages instantly. Don’t forget to let us know of your feedbackwhich is valuable to us in order to make improvements to this app.
Breakfast Recipes: Healthy casserole & food ideas 15.0
Content Arcade Apps
Breakfast Recipes: Healthy Breakfast Food Ideas app has a greatselection of easy breakfast recipes that are also delicious andnutritious! If you want to stay healthy, skipping Breakfast isdefinitely not a good option. That is why we bring you an app thatcan help you prevent this from happening. Breakfast is one of themost important meals of the day; it is where we get the energy tojump start our day. It provides fuel to our body and brain after anovernight of fasting. Eating breakfast every morning can lead tobetter performance, higher memory retention, lasting energy, andlower stress levels. This is because the body is furnished with agood amount of energy as well as the nutrients needed by our bodyorgans to function properly and get you through your next meal.Having a good breakfast promotes better metabolism. It is also agreat way to avoid unnecessary food cravings throughout the daywhich is beneficial if you are aiming to lose weight. Studies showthat people who often skip breakfast are the ones who have a higherchance of being obese because they tend to binge eat and crave forhigh caloric foods. Breakfast Recipes: Healthy Breakfast Food Ideasapp will teach you how to prepare healthy and delicious meals thatyou can serve for breakfast. From delicious breakfast casserolerecipes to fulfilling omelette ideas, you can find everything inthe app. You will find common ingredients that have high nutritivevalue such as eggs, dairies, vegetables, fresh fruits, wholegrains, seeds, and nuts to help you improve your breakfast options.Navigating this easy breakfast ideas app is very easy. It will showyou different categories such as Main Dish, Porridge, Pudding,Sandwich, Pancake, and Smoothie to name a few. Then, each recipehas an assigned image and all you have to do is to tap on it toshow your desired breakfast recipe. When it comes to Nutrition, allrecipes provide users with a calorie count as well as the amount ofCarbohydrates, Protein, Fat, and Sodium per serving to help youstay in track with your diet. Breakfast casseroles recipes,omelettes or sandwiches; we are here to help you make sure thatyour favorite breakfast dishes are delicious yet healthy. Anothercool feature in this recipe app is that you can easily select theingredients that you need to buy and it will all display in theShopping List section. Lastly, you can enjoy these healthybreakfast ideas anytime because once installed on your Androiddevice; there is no more internet connection needed to access yourfavorite recipes. Featured breakfast recipes in this app: ChiaPudding with Yogurt and Blueberry Mango Chia Pudding with CoconutBuckwheat Almond Porridge with Raisins Spicy Tuna Panini SandwichChicken and Veggie Wrap Rice and Pumpkin Porridge Tropical QuinoaPorridge Milk Porridge with Cherries and Nectarines CauliflowerCasserole with Dill Shrimp Tomato and Pepper Frittata ItalianScrambled Egg on Wholegrain Toast Turkey Ham Pepper and OnionOmelette Easy Vegetarian Omelette Cheesy Brussels Sprouts Frittatawith Parsley Buckwheat Cinnamon Pancakes with Yogurt Freshly CutFruit Cup Citrus Avocado Salad with Mint DOWNLOAD this wonderfulapp NOW with delicious and simple breakfast ideas and make yourselfa nourishing breakfast!
Healthy Vegetable Recipes 9
Content Arcade Apps
Vegetable Recipes app offers great tasting recipes from classic tosomething extra special. At present many people are now turning tovegan food sources because of the increasing number of people whoare suffering from different kinds of chronic degenerative diseasesbrought about by having a faulty diet which can be reversed byeating good amount of vegan food regularly. It is common to manybusy people to neglect the importance of eating vegetarian recipes,especially those who often eat at fast food. If you think you areone of them, then this is the perfect time to change your eatinghabits and learn to eat healthily by incorporating vegan recipesinto your daily meals. This Healthy Vegetable Recipes app includeeasy to prepare vegetable recipes that you and your family willsurely enjoy. Most of the vegan recipes here call for natural foodswith high nutritional value. This will help in making sure that youget your daily dose of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, aswell as antioxidants. This Healthy Vegetable Recipes app will helpyou explore numerous ways to prepare and cook vegetables, theseinclude baking, roasting, and stir-frying. Vegetables are can beused to make various dishes to serve for breakfast, lunch, dinner,and snack. Healthy Vegetables Recipes app got everything you needat your fingertips, all you need to do is to download this app onyour Android device and there you have it! Navigating your favoritevegetable recipes has never been this easy and fun. This HealthyVegetable Recipes app will show you different categories likeBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack. Then each vegetable recipecomes with a lovely photo and all you need to do is to tap on it.Easy peasy! In terms of Nutritional Profile, each recipe comes withcalorie count and also the amount of Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein,and Sodium so you can stay in track with your diet. And to make itmore convenient for you in planning your meals, this amazing appfeatures a shopping list. Lastly, you can enjoy these healthy veganrecipes anytime, anywhere because once installed on your Androiddevice, you don’t have to stay connected in the internet just toaccess your favorite vegetable dishes. We hope you have fun tryingall the recipes in this app. So go ahead and DOWNLOAD this app NOW!Here are some of the featured recipes in this app: HEALTHYVEGETABLE RECIPES FOR BREAKFAST Pumpkin and Rice Porridge HerbedMushroom Omelette Brussels Sprouts and Cheese Frittata with ParsleyHerbed Cauliflower Casserole Spiced Pumpkin Pancakes HEALTHYVEGETABLE RECIPES FOR LUNCH Arugula Avocado and Mango Salad withWalnuts Kale Edamame and Tomato Salad with Dried Cherries SpinachFig and Peach Salad Herbed Beetroot Soup with Yogurt SautéedCabbage Mushroom and Pepper Herbed Garlic Mushroom Stir-Fry CheesyMixed Vegetable Casserole HEALTHY VEGETABLE RECIPES FOR DINNERStir-Fried Mixed Vegetable with Beef Strips Sesame Vegetable andShrimp Stir-Fry Slow Cooker Spiced Bean Stew in Tomato SauceStir-fried Green Beans and Chicken Strips Vegetable and SeafoodSauté Roasted Mixed Vegetables with Herbs HEALTHY VEGETABLE RECIPESFOR SNACK Beetroot Tomato and Carrot Blast Weight Loss Veggie DrinkCucumber Radish and Parsley Smoothie Healthy Veggie Mix SuperSmoothie Broccoli Apple Kiwi and Lettuce Smoothie
Chicken Recipes - Easy & Healthy Chicken Recipes 18.0
Content Arcade Apps
This Healthy Chicken Recipes app will help you explore numerousways to cook chicken, these include baking, roasting, grilling, andstir-frying. You can now easily prepare and cook your own favoritechicken dishes at home with our easy chicken recipes app. There areso many Chicken recipes to choose from to suit your taste. Includedin this Chicken recipes app are some Asian, Mediterranean, andMiddle Eastern inspired chicken dishes that will surely bringsmiles! Chicken is such a versatile ingredient and can be used tomake various dishes, from sandwiches to mains to salads… you cansurely come up with something delicious and satisfying whether forbreakfast, lunch, or dinner. In cooking chicken, your options areendless. Chicken fillets are great for baking, roasting, grilling,frying, and poaching. Healthy Chicken Recipes app has everythingyou need at your fingertips, simply download this app on yourAndroid device and there you go! You'll be more than ready for yournext family reunion, pot-luck, or even just a simple Sunday familydinner at home. This Healthy Chicken Recipes app will let you learnmany delicious and easy to prepare chicken recipes that will onlyrequire few simple ingredients. You will surely find something thatwill suit your mood or the occasion. Navigating your favoritechicken recipes has never been this easy and fun. This HealthyChicken Recipes app will show you different categories likeBreakfast recipes, Lunch recipes and Dinner recipes. Then everychicken recipe comes with an image and all you need to do is to tapon it. Very simple isn’t it? You bet! To guide you in terms ofNutrition, each recipe is presented with calorie count as well asthe amount of Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein, and Sodium so you cankeep track with your diet. Also, to make it more convenient for youin planning meals, this app features a shopping list. Lastly, youcan enjoy these healthy chicken recipes anytime you want becauseonce installed on your Android device, you don’t need to stayconnected in the internet to access your favorite chicken dishes.So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and DOWNLOAD this app NOW!Here are some of the featured recipes in this app: HEALTHY CHICKENRECIPES FOR BREAKFAST Chicken Cheese and Tomato Pinwheel SandwichRoasted Chicken and Rocket on Whole Wheat Bagel Chicken Sandwich onWholegrain Bread Greek-Style Chicken Wrap Chicken and SpinachQuiche Chicken Mug Pie HEALTHY CHICKEN RECIPES FOR LUNCH ChickenBarbecue with Garlic and Rosemary Easy Chicken Tandoori HawaiianChicken Kebabs Chicken Apple and Watercress Salad Chicken Pepperand Bean Sprout Stir Fry on Lettuce Wrap Chicken and Avocado Saladwith Pomegranates Chicken Asparagus Soup HEALTHY CHICKEN RECIPESFOR DINNER Easy Szechuan Chicken with Veggies Chicken and VeggieKebabs Chicken and Vegetable Stir Fry with Cashews Baked Chickenwith Honey Mustard and Garlic Chicken Liver and Pepper Stir FrySpaghetti with Chicken Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Cumin SpicedChicken Meatballs
Vegetarian Recipes-Weight Loss 6.0
Content Arcade Apps
This Vegetarian Recipes for Weight Loss app offers easy to prepareand delicious recipes for your everyday meals. Over the years, manypeople are following a Vegetarian type of diet whether to reverse acertain chronic disease or to help them lose weight. It is a knownfact that plant-based foods contain good amounts of dietary fiber,essential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. This typeof diet focuses mainly on vegetable sources with the addition offruits, nuts, and seeds. To enhance flavor of the dish, herbs andspices are also being added. Some people would also includedairies, fish, and eggs. But for the Strict Vegetarians or alsoknown as Vegans, they eliminate all kinds of food that come fromanimal sources including honey and butter. This Vegetarian Recipesfor Weight Loss app is designed for people who would want to loseweight by incorporating more plant-based foods in their diet. Ithas a great selection of healthy, tasty, and easy to prepareVegetarian-friendly recipes that everyone will surely enjoy.Keeping in mind that this is not intended for Strict Vegetarian orVegans because some of the recipes here include yogurt, milk,cheese, and egg. This Vegetarian Recipes for Weight Loss app haseverything you need to help you get started on your weight lossjourney. Simply download this app on your Android device and youare more than ready to losing weight the healthy way. Accessingyour favorite vegetarian recipes has never been this fun. ThisVegetarian Recipes for Weight Loss app is very easy to use, it willshow you categories like Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack. Tochoose the desired recipe, all you need to do is to tap on theassigned photo. With this app, keeping in track with your diet iseasy. Each recipe provides a Nutritional Information with caloriecount and also the amount of Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, andSodium. And to help you with meal planning, this amazing appfeatures a Shopping List. Lastly, you can enjoy these VegetarianRecipes for Weight Loss anytime, anywhere because once installed onyour Android device, you don’t need internet connection just toaccess your favorite vegetarian dishes. DOWNLOAD this app NOW andhave fun trying all the Vegetarian recipes here! Here are some ofthe featured recipes in this app: VEGETARIAN WEIGHT LOSS RECIPESFOR BREAKFAST Potato Pancakes with Parmesan and Chives SpinachMushroom and Cottage Cheese Quiche Buckwheat Porridge with Fruitsand Nuts Three Melon Ball Salad Banana and Walnut Pancakes withMaple Syrup Grilled Peaches with Granola and Yogurt VEGETARIANWEIGHT LOSS RECIPES FOR LUNCH Rice Pilaf with Chickpeas and RaisinsQuinoa and Spinach Burger Patties Shiitake Mushroom Risotto withThyme Lemon and Honey Glazed Tofu with Ginger Green Salad with Figsand Cherry Tomatoes Herbed Barley and Mushroom Soup VEGETARIANWEIGHT LOSS RECIPES FOR DINNER Spicy Eggplant Pepper and TomatoRagout Tofu Stir-Fry with Mushroom and Green Onion CurriedVegetable Mix with Coconut Veggie Mix and Tofu Stir-Fry with CashewChickpea and Pepper Stew Stir-fried Mushrooms and Pepper in OysterSauce VEGETARIAN WEIGHT LOSS RECIPES FOR SNACK Watermelon Cucumberand Lime Smoothie Cucumber Radish and Yogurt Smoothie TropicalSpinach Orange and Kiwi Smoothie Banana Orange and StrawberrySmoothie Chilled Berry Cereal and Banana Smoothie Mango Banana andAlmond Milkshake
Beef Recipes - 100+ Best Ground Beef Recipes 5.0
Content Arcade Apps
Ground Beef Recipes app will help you learn different ways to cookbeef, these include roasting, grilling, slow-cooking, andstir-frying. There is no need to go to a fancy restaurant just toenjoy great tasting food. With this app, you can now easily prepareand cook your own favorite beef dishes at home. Beef is such aversatile ingredient, you can surely come up with somethingwonderful and satisfying whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Incooking beef, your options are endless. Beef sirloin are great forstir-fries, roasting, grilling. Beef Recipes app got everything youneed if you want to impress your loved one by serving a scrumptiousdinner. All you need to do is to download this app on your Androiddevice and there you go! Ground Beef Recipes app has a greatselection of beef recipes that even beginners can easily follow andwould only require basic ingredients that you can buy from yourlocal supermarket. Navigating your favorite beef recipes has neverbeen this easy and fun. This Easy Beef Recipes app will show youdifferent categories like Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Then eachbeef recipe comes with a lovely photo and all you need to do is totap on the image. To guide you in terms of Nutrition, every recipeis presented with calorie count as well as the amount of Fat,Carbohydrates, Protein, and Sodium to help you keep track with yourdiet. Also, to make it more convenient for you in meal planning,this app features a Shopping List. Lastly, you can enjoy thesehealthy beef recipes anytime you want because once installed onyour Android device, you don’t need to stay connected in theinternet to access your favorite beef recipes. Don’t delay, goahead and DOWNLOAD this app NOW! Here are some of the featuredrecipes in this app: BEEF RECIPES FOR BREAKFAST Savory Corned BeefPancakes Grilled Spicy Burger Patty Flank Steak Sandwich WrapsGROUND BEEF RECIPES FOR LUNCH Stuffed Red Bell Peppers GrilledHoney Mustard Beef Steaks Beef and Veggie Wrap Ultimate Beef andBarley Soup Asian Beef Noodle Soup Thai Beef Salad EASY BEEFRECIPES FOR DINNER Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff Beef Stew withEggplant and Pepper Grilled Beef Skewers with Indian Spice MarinadeMeatballs with Pineapple in Tomato Sauce Beef Brisket Stew withMixed Vegetables
Slow Cooker Recipes - Healthy Crock pot Recipes 11.0
Content Arcade Apps
Slow Cooker Recipes app offers scrumptious recipes that will bringback home-cooked meals on your dinner table even when things getbusy during weekdays. At present, Slow Cooker Recipes or also knownas Crock pot Recipes are becoming very popular because it lets youto enjoy “real food” without spending too much time on your kitchenbecause the procedure is very simple, all you have to do is toplace your ingredients in your slow cooker and you can leave itthere for 4 hours or up to 8 hours to cook while doing otherhousehold chores. This method of meal preparation also allowscooking in batches and stacking them in your freezer, so they areready and you can simply grab whenever you need them. This way, youcan save time, energy as well as money because you can even prepareyour food for the entire week! Sounds good isn’t it? This Easy SlowCooker Recipes app offers various recipes including Meat, Poultry,and Vegetable. It is a smart way of planning meals whether you areeating solo or with your loved ones. Crock pot Recipes we haveincluded in this app are very easy to follow and would only requirea few minutes of your time to prepare. By downloading this EasySlow Cooker Recipes app on your Android device, you can easilybrowse on all your favorite recipes anytime you want, because youdon’t need internet connection to access them. You will find hererecipes that are quick and easy to navigate because they are sortedper “Ingredient Type” like Beef, Lamb, Veal, Chicken, Turkey, andVegetable. There is also a filter at the bottom wherein you canchoose specific calorie budget that you want. Then, to select justtap on the image of the recipe. Enjoy home-cooked meals anytimewith this amazing app. Get started by DOWNLOADING this app NOW!Here are some of the featured recipes in this app: SLOW COOKER BEEFRECIPES Bourguignon Beef Stew Chili Beef Stew with Yogurt CurriedBeef and Pumpkin with Coriander Beef Goulash with Mushrooms Beefand Vegetable Stew in Red Wine Sauce SLOW COOKER VEAL AND LAMBRECIPES Veal and Pumpkin Stew in Tomato Sauce Veal Stew with RedBeans and Herbs Lamb Tomato and Onion Stew SLOW COOKER CHICKEN ANDTURKEY RECIPES Curried Chicken and Potato Stew Chicken andVegetable Stew in Tomato Sauce Turkey Breast in White Sauce Turkeyand Vegetable Stew in Creamy Mushroom Sauce Turkey and VegetableStew with Paprika SLOW COOKER VEGETABLE RECIPES Lentil and PumpkinRagout Bean and Veggie Stew with Coriander Herbed Lentil andChickpea Stew Hearty Vegetable and Bean Stew Herbed Pumpkin andBean Stew
Dinner Recipes - Easy Healthy Dinner Recipes Ideas 9.0
Content Arcade Apps
Dinner Recipes app provides many delicious, healthy and easy dinnerrecipes that you can easily whip up after work or make-ahead mealsfrom our dinner recipes collection that you can prepare in advance.The dinner recipes app here will let you explore different cookingmethods such as: grilling, baking, roasting, stir-frying, andpan-frying. Even though dinnertime is a day-to-day event, we stilllook forward to enjoying a delightful meal at the end of the day.It is a nice treat especially after a long busy day at work. Inmany parts of the world “Dinner” is also known as the evening mealwhich is just as important as breakfast and lunch. Even with ourbusy schedule, we must find time to prepare and enjoy a sumptuousdinner. It is also the perfect time to catch up with our loved onesabout what transpired during the day. This kind interaction canhelp build a strong bond and keeps family members closer to eachother. This Easy Dinner Recipes app will let you learn many ways toprepare dinner from simple to something extraordinary. Navigatingthis Easy Dinner Recipes app is very easy. It will show youdifferent categories such as Dinner recipes with Beef Dinnerrecipes with Lamb Dinner recipes with Chicken Dinner recipes withVegetables Then, each recipe has an assigned image and all you haveto do is to tap on the photo to show your desired dinner recipe.When it comes to Nutrition, each dinner recipe provides the userwith a calorie count as well as the amount of Carbohydrates,Protein, Fat, and Sodium per serving to help in keeping track withyour diet. Another cool feature of this dinner recipe app is thatone can easily make a Shopping List, just by selecting theingredients that you need to buy and it will all show in theShopping List section. Lastly, you can enjoy these easy dinnerrecipes anytime because once installed on your Android device,there is no more internet connection needed to access your favoriterecipes. DOWNLOAD this wonderful Dinner Recipes app NOW and startenjoying the recipes here! Featured EASY DINNER RECIPES in this appare the following: Beef Broccoli and Black Beans in Oyster SauceLamb Chops with Rosemary in Red Wine Sauce Cajun Steak BarbecueMarinated Lamb Chops Slow Cooker Spicy Beef and Potato Stew GarlicChicken and Green Bean Stir-Fry Orange-Butter Shrimp SkewersSeafood and Veggie Stir-Fry Cumin-Spiced Baked Salmon with TartarSauce Clam Chowder with Cilantro Barbecued Salmon Steak Angel HairSeafood Pasta in Tomato Sauce Asian Shrimp Noodle Stir-fry EasyShrimp and Vegetable Pasta Easy Tuna Tomato and Fusilli Salad
Seafood Recipes - Easy Crab, Shrimp & Fish Recipes 9.0
Content Arcade Apps
Seafood Recipes app will definitely satisfy your taste buds andyour hungry stomach as well. There are many ways to cook your fish,Crab and Shrimp. Seafood Recipes app has a wide selection ofdelicious Fish recipes, Crab recipes and Shrimp recipes that usecooking method such as grilling, stir-frying, baking, roasting, andpan-frying. Fish and Seafood dishes are nice to have especiallyduring busy week nights because they only require a few minutes tocook. To complete the meal, you can serve them with rice, bread orpasta. They also make a great addition to salads, simply toss themwith your greens and other veggies then drizzle with somevinaigrette dressing. Seafood Recipes in this app uses differentkinds of spices and herbs to enhance the natural flavor of yourfish or seafood. You and your loved ones are guaranteed to enjoythe variety of the ingredients used in each recipe. With the helpof this incredible app, navigating your favorite fish or seafoodrecipes is very easy. It will show you categories such as MainDish, Appetizer, Salad, and Soup. You can select your desiredseafood recipe just by tapping on the image. To help you more, aNutritional Information is provided so you will know the amount ofCalories, Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein and Sodium that each recipecontain. This can help you stay in track with your diet. Also, tomake it more convenient for you, this wonderful app has a shoppinglist where you can add all the ingredients that you need to buy andthen you can view it in the Shopping List section. Finally, you canenjoy your favorite fish and seafood recipes anytime you wantbecause once you have it installed on your Android device, you canaccess them anytime you want because there is no more internetconnection required. Get started by DOWNLOADING this amazing appNOW! Featured FISH and SEAFOOD recipes in this app: Seared Scallopwith Tomato and Pesto Recipe Homemade Crab Cakes with Lemon Garlicand Dill Sauce Shrimp Fennel and Olive Salad Baked Mussels withGarlic and Cheese Tuna Pasta Salad with Olives Honey-Lemon GlazedShrimp Skewers Pan Fried Scallops with Red Pepper Sauce Seafood andVeggie Stir-Fry Easy Fish Burger Recipe Seafood Tagliatelle inWhite Sauce Garden Salad with Peppered Shrimps Grilled Pink Salmonwith Orange-Maple Glaze Hearty Seafood Chowder Sea Bass Recipe EasySeafood Stew with Coconut
Smoothie Recipes - Healthy Smoothie Recipes 19
Content Arcade Apps
This Healthy Smoothie Recipe app is ideal for people who want toincorporate more fruits and vegetables in their diet for optimalhealth. By drinking a glass or two a day can ensure that you aregetting enough vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Smoothierecipes here are also good for people who want to lose weightbecause they are rich in dietary fiber. Smoothies make a fantasticrefreshment and they are nice to have for breakfast and snack. Theyare also very easy to make, you only need a healthy liquid basesuch as milk, yogurt, fruit juice, freshly brewed tea, or waterthen add fruits or vegetables, and some seeds or nuts if desired.To make your own smoothie at home, all you need is a dependableblender to mix all the ingredients together and create a smooth andrefreshing drink. You are free to mix and match differentingredients as per your taste and health requirement. For somepeople that are lactose intolerant, they can use soy-based milk oryogurt, almond milk, rice milk, and coconut milk. If you have kids,they will surely be glad to help you making them. Because preparingsmoothies can be enjoyable and educational too. You can teach themdifferent kinds of fruits and vegetables as well as the healthbenefits that each one has. So they will learn to appreciate themmore. The process is very easy, simply put everything in yourblender and process. Then you’ll have a revitalizing drink in justless than 5 minutes! Feel free to browse on all the SmoothieRecipes on this app and for sure you can whip something that willsuit your taste and nutritional requirement. It is very easy tonavigate this Healthy Smoothie Recipes app. You can choose from thetwo categories – Fruit and Vegetable. Then, each recipe has acorresponding photo and all you have to do is to tap on it to showyour desired smoothie recipe. You will also be guided in terms ofNutrition because all of the Smoothie Recipes here provide userswith a calorie count as well as the amount of Fat, Carbohydrates,Protein as well as Sodium for each serving to aid you in keepingtrack with your diet. Another cool feature of this Healthy SmoothieRecipes app is that you can select the ingredients that you need tobuy from your local store and it will be automatically added in theShopping List section. Lastly, you can enjoy these healthy smoothierecipes anytime because once installed on your Android device,there is no more internet connection neeeded to access yourfavorite recipes. DOWNLOAD this amazing app NOW and start enjoyingthe recipes here! Featured recipes in this app: HEALTHY FRUITSMOOTHIES Mango Bravo Smoothie Pineapple Kiwi and Almond SmoothieLuscious Almond Cherry Smoothie Banana Kiwi Tropical SmoothieAvocado Lychee and Almond Smoothie HEALTHY VEGETABLE SMOOTHIES SoyCarrot and Orange Smoothie Spinach Cucumber and Pineapple SmoothieParsley Cucumber and Apple Smoothie Herbed Cucumber Radish andYogurt Smoothie Rhubarb Celery and Raspberry Smoothie HEALTHYSMOOTHIES FOR BREAKFAST Spiced Blueberry Yogurt Smoothie StrawberryAlmond Smoothie with Chia Celery Avocado and Apple Smoothiie BerryGranola and Soy Smoothie Cinnamon Spiced Banana Apple SmoothieHEALTHY SMOOTHIES FOR SNACK Dragonfruit Coconut and Chia SmoothieMango Papaya and Kombucha Smoothie Peach Berry and Almond SmoothieTomato Strawberry and Lime Smoothie Wheatgrass Pineapple and KiwiSmoothie
Tofu Recipes 4.0
Content Arcade Apps
Tofu or soy bean curd is a staple food in many Asian countries andnow being enjoyed worldwide. It is an excellent meat substitutebecause it contains many important nutrients that our body needs.It has high protein content as well as vitamins and minerals. Thisis the reason why many people who are following a Vegetarian orVegan diet often include tofu as a healthy source of both macro andmicro nutrients. Cooking with tofu is easy and it is one of themost versatile ingredients available at any local store. You canadd any ingredient that you like. If you don’t have much time toprepare especially during busy week nights, the tofu recipes herecan help you create fantastic meals in just a few minutes. You canprepare tofu as an appetizer, a main course, a soup, and even as adessert! With the help of this amazing app, navigating yourfavorite tofu recipes is as easy as 123. It will show you differentcategories like Main Dish, Soup, Appetizer, and Dessert. You canselect your desired tofu recipe by simply tapping on the assignedimage. To help you in terms of Nutrition, this recipe app isequipped with a Nutritional Information, so you will have an ideaon the amount of Calories, Fat, Carbohydrates, and Protein as wellas Sodium that each serving has. This feature is beneficial forpeople who want to lose weight or maintain healthy body weight.Also, to make it more convenient, this cool app features a shoppinglist wherein you can select all the ingredients that you need tobuy and then you can view it in the Shopping List section of theapp. Finally, you can enjoy your favorite tofu recipes anytime,anywhere because once installed on your Android device, there is nointernet connection needed to access them. Get started byDOWNLOADING this awesome app NOW! Featured recipes in this app:EASY TOFU MAIN DISH RECIPES Traditional Ma Po Tofu Tofu withSriracha Sauce Easy Tofu Satay Tofu and Vegetable Skewers ThaiCurried Tofu Stir-fried Kale with Tofu and Sesame Grilled TofuBurger Patty Water Spinach Tofu and Ginger Stir-Fry Tofu and StrawMushroom in Oyster Sauce Open Faced Sandwich with Tofu Salad ChowMein with Tofu EASY TOFU APPETIZER RECIPES Crispy Tofu Bites FriedTofu with Toasted Garlic Crispy Tofu Sticks with Soy Chili Dip TofuBites with Peanut Sauce EASY TOFU SOUP RECIPES Tofu and Leek Soupwith Sesame Tofu and Seaweed Soup with Sesame Miso Soup with Shrimpand Tofu Tofu and Shrimp Soup with Chives Chicken and Tofu Soupwith Chives EASY TOFU DESSERT RECIPES Mandarin Orange Almond TofuDessert Mango and Almond Tofu Dessert Chocolate Banana and TofuPudding Berry Banana and Tofu Pudding
Juice Recipes - Weight Losing Detox Juices recipes 4.1
Content Arcade Apps
Juice Recipes app is one of the best ways to get your daily dose ofessential vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. Drinking aglass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice a day will not only helpyou stay hydrated but can also help you lose weight and detoxifythe body from toxic substances. This Healthy Juice Recipes app willprovide you with many delightful juice recipes using differentfruit and vegetable combinations for variety as well aspalatability. They are nice to have for breakfast and snack. TheJuices recipes in this app are very easy to make, all you need arejust a few basic ingredients and your dependable juice extractor.Then, let the machine do its work and you’ll have that invigoratingand healthy drink in just less than 5 minutes! In juicing, youroptions are endless. You are free to mix and match different kindsof fruits and vegetables as per your taste and health requirement.It is ideal for people who want to shed kilos and get rid of fatsand other harmful chemicals in the body because it contains highamount of antioxidants. Even people with Diabetes can enjoy a glassof fresh fruit and vegetable juice, as long they minimize the useof fruits that contain high Glycemic Index. It is very easy tonavigate this Healthy Juice Recipes app. You can choose from thetwo categories namely – Weight Loss and Detox. Each recipe has anassigned image and all you need to do is to tap on the photo and itwill show you the details of your desired juice recipe. In terms ofNutrition, all of the juice recipes here provide users with anutritional information that comes with a calorie count as well asthe amount of Fat, Carbohydrates, Protein and Sodium for eachserving so you will guided accordingly. Another awesome feature ofthis recipe app is that you can easily choose the ingredients thatyou need to buy from your local store and it will be shown in theShopping List section of the app. Lastly, you can enjoy thesehealthy juice recipes anytime because once installed on yourAndroid device, you don’t need internet connection just to accessyour favorite recipes. DOWNLOAD this app NOW and start enjoying allthe recipes here! Featured recipes in this app: HEALTHY JUICERECIPES FOR WEIGHT LOSS Papaya Mango and Fennel Juice with GingerOrange Pineapple and Cucumber Juice Apple Beet and Tomato JuiceApricot Carrot and Celery Cooler Three Citrus Celery and GingerJuice Pineapple Guava and Carrot Juice Pomegranate and CranberryJuice Watermelon Celery and Lime Cooler HEALTHY JUICE RECIPES FORDETOX Spinach Pear and Turnip Juice Green Apple Kale Cucumber JuiceHealthy Green Juice with Turmeric Grapefruit Raspberry and TomatoJuice Carrot Celery and Parsley Juice Watercress Beet and RadishJuice Green Grape Pear Cucumber and Lime Juice Papaya Fennel andCelery Juice
Coffee Recipes - Espresso, Latte and Cappuccino 19.0
Content Arcade Apps
If you’ve been looking for the best coffee recipes don’t look anyfurther! Whether it’s cappuccino, latte or cold coffee, many of usare drawn to coffee’s distinct aroma and flavour, this is also thereason why coffee is considered as one of the most popularbeverages worldwide. Apart from coffee, tea is definitely one oflife’s ultimate pleasures. Coffee, tea doesn’t only bring comfort,but it can also provide the body with many health benefits whentaken properly. Same with chocolate and tea, coffee is also a greatsource of antioxidants that can help in delaying the signs of agingand can aid in fighting against common degenerative diseases. Forperfect coffee brewing, you need a great coffee recipe. We can’ttell you the Starbucks secret, but we can sure help you with ourown amazing and simple coffee recipes. Drinking coffee promotescognitive function and can stimulate our senses to become morealert and attentive. It contains a very minimal amount of calorieswhich makes it a better alternative to other popular social drinkslike regular sodas and alcoholic beverages. Just be mindful of whatgoes into your coffee especially if you are watching your weight,because sugar, milk, and cream can give you additional calories. Inthe culinary world, coffee is normally used as flavouring forcakes, pastries, ice cream, and sauces. This Easy Coffee Recipesapp will guide you in creating that perfect coffee blend whetheryou are having it for breakfast or snack. You will surely find herea coffee recipe that will suit your taste. Forget about Aeropressor Nespresso, and try our simple coffee recipes now! This amazingapp is very user-friendly to select your desired coffee recipe,simply tap on the assigned photo. No need to worry about your latteor cappuccino calories, it will also show the Nutritionalinformation for each recipe so you will know the amount ofcalories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates as well as sodium thateach one has. Lastly, once you have downloaded this Easy CoffeeRecipes app on your Android device, you can browse on all yourfavourite recipes anytime, anywhere because there is no moreinternet connection required to run this app. Get started byDOWNLOADING this app NOW! Here are some of the featured recipes:EASY HOT COFFEE RECIPES Orange Kissed Black Coffee Coffee VanillaPumpkin Pie Peppermint Black Coffee Choco Malt Cappuccino AlmondChoco Coffee Cinnamon Spiced Café Americano Hot Mochaccino IrishCream Coffee French Vanilla Mocha Gingerbread Spiced Holiday CoffeeCoffee Coconut with Honey Raspberry Cream Coffee EASY COLD COFFEERECIPES Banana Coffee and Oat Smoothie Iced Hazelnut CoffeeSugar-Free Iced Almond Coffee Low-Fat Mocha Cream Shake Dark ChocoVanilla and Coffee Smoothie Spiced Mocha Shake Peppermint MochaFrappe Raspberry Choco Coffee Shake Iced Macadamia Mocha SpicedIrish Cream Coffee Frappe Mocha Caramel Frappe Ice Cream Choco JavaEasy Nutella Frappe
Green Salad Recipes & Smoothie Recipes 6.0
Content Arcade Apps
Green Salad & Smoothie Recipes app include many delightfulgreen salad recipes and smoothie recipes that are very easy toprepare and can be made in a flash. These recipes are ideal forsnacks because they can help keep you energized up until your nextmeal. Achieving your nutrition and health goals is easy with thehelp of this wonderful app, all you need to do is to download thisapp on your Android device and you can start enjoying the recipeshere. Navigating your favorite green salad and smoothie recipes hasnever been this fun. The app will show you two categories – Saladand Smoothie, then each recipe comes with a photo and to selectsimply tap on the image. In terms of Nutritional Profile, eachrecipe comes with a calorie count, the amount of Fat,Carbohydrates, Protein, and Sodium so you will be guided properly.And to make it more convenient for you in meal planning, thisamazing app also features a shopping list. Finally, you can enjoythese healthy green salad recipes and smoothie recipes anytime,anywhere because once installed on your Android device, you don’thave to stay connected in the internet just to access them. Getstarted by downloading this awesome app NOW! Featured recipes inthis app: HEALTHY GREEN SALAD RECIPES FOR SNACKS Fresh Green Saladwith Strawberry Vinaigrette Arugula Avocado and Peach Salad withWalnuts Cucumber Avocado and Apple Recipe Lebanese-Style TabboulehMediterranean Style Salad Tossed Green Salad Marinated Cucumberwith Dill HEALTHY GREEN SMOOTHIE RECIPES FOR SNACKS TropicalSpinach Orange and Kiwi Smoothie Celery Cucumber and AvocadoSmoothie Wheatgrass Pineapple and Kiwi Smoothie Parsley Cucumberand Apple Smoothie Green Power Blast Swiss Chard Cucumber andOrange Smoothie Matcha Raspberry and Banana Smoothie
Content Arcade Apps
This Healthy Summer Drinks app offers a great selection ofdelicious beverages. Whether you are looking for a revitalizingjuice or smoothie recipe, this app got you covered! Included inthis recipe app are ice cold beverages that calls for fruits thatare abundant during the summer season. They make a nice refreshmentanytime of the day, but most especially when the weather gets toohot because it can help hydrate your body and cool you down. Fruitsthat are in season are naturally sweet that is why they are perfectfor making juices and smoothies. This wonderful app will provideyou with many great tasting recipes using different kinds of fruitsand other ingredients to make sure you get that satisfying andrefreshing feeling. Iced Juices or Coolers are best served as anaccompaniment to any meal, be it is for breakfast, lunch, ordinner. While, smoothies are ideal for a quick meal for breakfastor snack since they are also filling. All you need is a dependableblender to combine all the ingredients together and create a smoothand refreshing drink. You can mix and match different kinds ofingredients to suit your taste and health requirement. The recipesin this app are kid-friendly too, they are very easy to preparethat even your kids can help you in making them. It is very easy tonavigate this Healthy Summer Drinks app. You can choose from thetwo categories – Juice and Smoothie. Then, each recipe has a photoand all you have to do is to tap on it to select your desiredrecipe. In terms of Nutrition, this amazing app provide its userswith a calorie count as well as the amount of Fat, Carbohydrates,Protein and Sodium that each serving has. This is beneficial forpeople who are watching their waistlines. Another cool feature ofthis Healthy Summer Drinks app is that you can choose theingredients that you need to buy and it will be directly added intothe Shopping List section of the app. Lastly, you can enjoy thesehealthy summer drink recipes anytime you want because onceinstalled on your Android device, there is no more internetconnection required to view your favorite recipes. DOWNLOAD thisamazing app NOW and start enjoying the recipes here! Featuredrecipes in this app: HEALTHY SUMMER JUICE RECIPES ClementinePineapple and Melon Cooler Iced Strawberry Apple and CitrusSparkling Strawberry Limeade Citrus Pineapple Cooler IcedStrawberry Orange and Lime Juice Sparkling Watermelon andStrawberry Cooler Iced Pomelo Lime Tea HEALTHY SUMMER SMOOTHIERECIPES Pineapple Orange and Coconut Cooler Easy WatermelonCucumber Cooler Avocado Banana and Pineapple Smoothie Berry Orangeand Kiwi Smoothie Blueberry Banana and Coconut Smoothie DragonfruitPlum and Banana Cooler Mango Banana and Ginger Lassi
Tea Recipes 8.0
Content Arcade Apps
Brewing tea has been a common practice since the ancient times notonly because of its distinct flavor but also for its naturalhealing benefits. Apart from water, tea is considered as thecheapest and healthiest form of beverage. Tea is indeed nature’sgift to man, it contains potent antioxidants that promoteswell-being and has the ability to delay the signs of aging.Drinking tea can help improve our mood, it gives us a relaxingfeeling and provides us comfort in the midst of our stressful, busylives. Among the most popular social beverages, a freshly brewedtea contains zero calories that can aid in healthy weight loss.Hence, it makes a better alternative to a regular soda which isloaded with sugar and chemicals that can pose risk to our health.This Easy Tea Recipes app provides you with a great selection ofdelicious tea recipes which can help you in creating that perfecttea blend. Included in this app are Iced Tea recipes that areperfect for the summer. They make a nice accompaniment to any mealand will help you stay hydrated and refreshed especially when theweather gets too hot. For breakfast or snack, this app has many hottea recipes that are also good to have when the winter time comes.You will surely find here something that will suit your taste. Thisrecipe app is a very user-friendly, simply tap on the assignedimage to select the recipe. It will also show you the Nutritionalinformation for each recipe, so you will have an idea on the amountof calories, fat, protein, and carbohydrates as well as sodium thateach one has. Once downloaded on your Android device, you canbrowse on all your favorite tea recipes anytime you want becausethere is no more internet connection required to run this app. Getstarted by DOWNLOADING this app NOW! Here are some of the featuredrecipes: EASY HOT TEA RECIPES Hot Orange Pekoe Tea with Mint andHoney Sugar-Free Green Tea with Lime Hot Basil Tea with Lemon andMint Hot Cranberry and Lemon Tea Spiced Hot Apple Tea Spiced AppleCider Tea with Maple Yellow Tea Lavender and Honey Ginger-TurmericCeylon Tea Apple Chamomile Tea with Maple EASY COLD TEA RECIPESCitrus Tea and Mint Cooler Raspberry Lime and Tea Cooler RecipeStrawberry and Lemon Iced Tea Strawberry Pineapple and Tea CoolerMinty Iced Lemon Tea with Stevia Iced Cherry Lime Tea CranberryCitrus Iced Tea Peach Tea and Mint Cooler Grapefruit Cucumber andTea Cooler
Healthy Grilled & BBQ Recipes Cook Book 10.1
Content Arcade Apps
Healthy Grilled & BBQ Recipes Cook Book with variety ofdelicious and healthy recipes.Grilling is one of the basic and mostpopular methods of cooking food. While, barbecue is a bit morecomplex because it usually calls for various ingredients likespices, herbs, and other condiments. You can enjoy grilling orbarbecue anytime of the year. There is no more reason to wait forsummer to gather all your friends for a barbecue party. With orwithout occasion, you can create wonderful meals with the help ofgrilled & BBQ recipe app! Whether you're a beginner in outdoorcooking or an aspiring grill master, this app has a great selectionof grilled recipes to help you get started. By downloading thisEasy Grilled Recipes app on your Android device, you can easilybrowse on all your favorite recipes anytime you want, no moreinternet connection needed to run this app once installed. Eachrecipe comes with a lovely photo, all you need to do is to tap onit, and it will give you all the details including its Nutritionalprofile. Enjoy home-cooked meals anytime. Get started byDOWNLOADING this app NOW! Featured Grilled recipes in this app:Chicken Satay with Spicy Peanut Sauce Shish Chicken KabobsFlame-Grilled Beef Burgers Grilled Lamb Tikka Kebabs Grilled LemonButter Shrimp Grilled Scallops with Garlic and Scallions GrilledTuna Belly with Dill Grilled Beef Skewers with Indian SpiceMarinade Homemade Jerk Chicken Drumstick Honey Mustard GrilledChicken Grilled Korean Chicken Wings Grilled Lamb Chops withWholegrain Mustard Easy Grilled Mussels Basil Pesto ChickenSausage-Filled Squid Skewers Beef Skewers with Teriyaki SauceKorean-Style Rib BBQ Grilled Beef Bratwurst Ultimate ChickenBarbecue Chipotle Garlic Lamb Chops Grilled Salmon with Lemon andRosemary Spicy Grilled Lobster Sweet and Spicy Grilled Tuna BellyHomemade Grilled Pizza Grilled Vegetables with Herbs Grilled Carrotand Asparagus Grilled Balsamic Watermelon Easy Grilled PineappleSlices
Cheap Hotels Booking Deals Near Me by Hotelsguy 12.0.6
Content Arcade Apps
Cheap Hotels near me by hotelsguy is a free app to find hundredsand thousands of cheap hotels or the amazing hotel deals, usingthis wonderful app. Cheap Hotels Booking Near Me - is the app youhave been waiting for. This free hotel booking app makes it superquick and simple for you to search for the cheap hotels, cheapmotels or luxury hotels. In just a single tap, you will be able toexplore all the great hotel deals in just one place so that you canchoose the best deal for you and your loved ones. We know that'samazing! Isn’t it? How the app works is that it will comparehundreds of cheap hotels on the numerous booking websites all overthe internet, finds the best hotel deals and show them all to youat just one place. This ensures that you can select the hotel foryou from the largest selection of cheap hotel deals. Cheap HotelsBooking Near Me by hotelsguy - enables you to evaluate the hoteldeals and hotel booking, and decide the best for yourself. Thishandy app brings you the cheap hotels from the best hotel bookingwebsites including, Expedia, Agoda,, etc. Toput in other words, all the best hotel deals in the world are nowin your control. That is why we promise to help you find the besthotel deals every single time. This app will help millions ofpeople who love traveling to make the right accommodationdecisions. Whether you are looking for cheap hotels, cheap motelsor even luxury hotels; you can trust this app. Features of CheapHotels Near Me by hotelsguy - Instant Search You can instantlysearch for the cheap hotels and the best hotel deals at all themajor hotel booking websites. Luxury hotels cheap motels, hotels,or any other accommodation; booking is possible within just a fewtaps! - No Hidden fee or taxes You pay exactly the price that isdisplayed to you. You will be paying no additional taxes orcharges. - Convenient Filters for Search Are you looking for only5* accommodations or those with the highest guest ratings? Noproblem! We are here to help you find whatever you need. - HotelStars and Ratings All the hotel stars and user ratings are based onactual guest reviews, making it easier for you to take a decision.- No Sign-Up or Registration In order to use this app, you need tomembership or registration. Just download! How Cheap Hotel Near MeWorks? - Interactive Maps You can use the interactive map featureto select the best cheap hotels - Cheap Hotels Near Me Just asingle button and you will get all the hotels surrounding yourcurrent location using the GPS tracking - Sorting Criteria You cansort the results according to the price, rating, popularity,location, or the location proximity - Hotel Details All the detailsof hotels are also given including the attractive photos, roomservices, detailed description, ratings, and features. Cheap HotelsBooking Near Me - is your ultimate solution to compare hotels andtheir prices across all the leading hotel booking systems. Sowhether you are planning your holiday retreat or stuck in anunfamiliar country or city, you know the solution! We bet thathotel booking was never this easy before! Go ahead and download thehotel booking app NOW! Note: If you come across any issue whiledownloading or using our Cheap Hotels Near me app, don’t hesitateto let us know. You can either leave a review mentioning the issueor you can write to us on the given details.
BMI Calculator: Body Fat Percentage & Ideal Weight 4.3.3
Content Arcade Apps
Are you conscious about your health and wish to stay healthy? Thenfind out your ideal weight, body fat percentage, waist to heightratio, and much more by downloading this BMI calculator now! Byinstalling this body measurement tracker on your Android device,you’ll be able to monitor your weight and track calories. The BMRcalculator will generate results for you on the basis of gender,height, age, waist, neck, and activity level. Get your hands onthis body fat calculator today to overcome the intricacies thatcould occur if your body fat index is high or low than the normallevel. The body fat percentage of your body is as essential ascounting calories. This calorie counter app can help you indetermining the health of your body from all aspects. Any personcan enter essential details on this app for tracking their BMI,BMR, BFP and WHtR. It’s essential for everyone to have a perfectdiet for living a healthy life. This app plays the role of ahealthcare professional by indicating individuals about dailycalories they should intake. Highlights of our BMI Calculator: Thisapp has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use. Thereare no charges for downloading and using this body fat tracker.This app generates 100% accurate results. It takes into accountyour daily activity level for determining accurate results. Thisapp allows users to manage their profile and edit their details.This calorie counter indicates users about whether to gain, lose,or sustain current weight. The body fat calculator will show excessor lack of storage fat in your body. This app allows you to set thegoal of weight you want to achieve. The calorie calculatorindicates users about the daily intake to reach the goal. In thisapp, the waist to height ratio will point out whether you’reunderweight, healthy, overweight, or obese. The app allows you totrack your BMR and Ideal weight with different methods. You canlook at your overall statistics. It indicates users about theirdaily water intake. The app can keep you notified of tracking yourgoal. Since body fat, weight, and calorie intake are sensitivematters for many people, this body measurement tracker assures theaccuracy of results to everyone. This app has been designed to helppeople in living a healthy life. You can use this app anytime andanywhere without worrying about any charges as it is absolutelyfree. So, what are you waiting for? Download this BMI calculatorfor keeping a regular check on your health and body fitness. Youdon’t have to take tension regarding your health anymore, as theBMR calculator is here to act as your free fitness advisor. We willhighly appreciate it if you reach out to our support team forindicating us about any problem you’ve faced in this body fatcalculator app. We’ll make sure to resolve all the queries as soonas possible. You can contact our support team If you like this app, kindly rate it andleave us a nice review. We will be looking forward to anysuggestions and will try to integrate them to make the experiencebetter for users. Thank you for downloading and using our BMICalculator application.
Spelling Checker & English Words Correction App 48.9.8
Content Arcade Apps
This is new English spelling checker app and carefully scan throughyour text and provide suggestions to correct English spellingwherever there is spell errors. The ground-breaking English spellcheck system makes use of the latest English spellings to ensure afast and accurate online english spell check, which is easy and funto use for english auto-correct. If you require spelling correctionand sentence diagramming in your day-to-day typing, then englishspelling master: spell check is the app for you. Our spell checkerhas been through exhaustive testing to ensure that not a singlespelling mistake slips past, so your peace of mind is guaranteed.This english corrector works by comparing your text toconstantly-updated databases to provide a quick spell test online.English spelling master check your emails before sending themthrough to your colleagues, managers or clients. Misspellings inbusiness communication is highly unprofessional. Use englishspelling checker when submitting essays or assignments for premiumquality work. It has been said that errors testing and proofreading your own work by eye may lead to you missing something, asyour brain automatically corrects any errors as it knows what youmeant to say. Prevent this problem by using our english spellcheckapp and never have to worry about missing errors again! Use SpellCheck - english spelling checker for job applications and it mayhelp to land you your dream job. Use this online spell check anderrors detector app when drafting up business proposals, executivesummaries and annual or quarterly reports It will help you a lot inspells correction and sentence diagramming. A spelling error in anyof those documents would question your credibility. Look like aprofessional with perfect english spelling, by use Spell Check –english spellings handbook. Because the spellcheck is so easy touse, it can be utilized by anyone, even children working on schoolprojects and assignments can use this spell errors finder for free.Everyday spell checking app allows children to work independentlywithout spellings error fear. This spell full test app also helpspeople to secure promotions and better jobs by assisting them withcorrect english spelling in all applications. Remember that Englishis the most important language to know with correct spellings andsentence diagramming in this day and age. This is one of thereasons why correct spelling is vitally important to improveenglish spellings and ensure best spells practices– and you caneasily become english spelling master, just by using quick spellcheck app in everyday life. For individuals that are not entirelyconfident in their English spelling, spell corrector will help themto gain confidence and improve their spelling skills. EnglishSpelling checker – Spell Check Features: - Free to use spellingcorrector app - Easy to use for everyone - 100% English spellingscorrection accuracy - Spell errors finder and auto corrector -Everyday spell checking and spells practice - English spells fulltest facility If you are happy with the english spelling checker –spellcheck app then be sure recommend free spell check to yourfriends, family and work colleagues too, so that they can also reapthe countless benefits of a reliable spells auto correct tool forflawless spelling! Test english and perform best spell practiceswith this english spellings handbook.
Video Cropper - cut and Trim Video App 1.6
Content Arcade Apps
Video Cropper - Clips Editor Free app is exactly what you needifyou want to edit videos using your Android device then to havethisedit videos free app would be your right choice. You will findthisvideo trim app easy to use and edit videos. Get thissupereasy-to-use Video edit pro app for creating and sharingyourwonderful videos on any of your social media accounts. Whetheritis for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you willsurelyhave fun in making and editing your videos. This app isspeciallydesigned for those editors who like to add something extrain theirvideos to make them attractive and impressive for viewers.You cansplit & merge video in this single free video editingapp. Youcan’t only edit video in this free video cut and merge appbut alsocan add animations, interesting effects and attractiveframes tovideos. This video clips editing free app is a great wayto create,edit, and publish your amazing videos on any social siteon yourAndroid device. You don’t need to have extra ordinarypaidsoftwares to edit videos and to publish. Just have this simpleandeasy video editing app for free and enjoy trimming videos, tocutand merge movies. This app will make you profession videoclipseditor. Just install this edit videos free – cut and join appandbecome expert video clips editor. We want you to get the mostoutof your videos that is why we have developed a video cut &joinapp that allows users to upload the final video in HD. Prettycoolisn’t it? Say goodbye to long hours of editing or crop videosonyour laptop or desktop because now, you can trim your videoclipsand merge them into single awesome video by installing thisawesomevideo editing app. It is so simple, practical, andefficientbecause you can edit your videos right after capturingthem and itdoesn’t matter where you are. It offers greatcapabilities forvideo trimming and extensive storytellingexperience, no specialvideo editing skills needed to use this app.So, if you are insearch for the best video clips editor - Cut &Join Videos Freeapp on google play store, look no further becausethis one will doits job as promised and it’s totally FREE! DOWNLOADthis Videocropper - Clips Editor Free app to crop video TODAY! Wealways loveto hear from you about our Video Cutter - Clips EditorFree app! Ifyou like this app, we would appreciate if you will giveus fivestars and share this easy video clips editor app with yourfamilyand friends so they too can enjoy it. Send us yourfeedback,comments or suggestions on the space provided when ratingthis appon Google Play Store. This will greatly help us especiallyourdevelopers in improving this Video Cutter - Clips Editor Freeappto give you a better experience whenever you use this app.Thankyou so much for downloading video clips editor - cut &joinvideos free app!!
Content Arcade Apps
Fruits are nutritious and good to eat for snack as well asfordessert. We normally buy them in bulk if they are in seasonbecausethey are abundant and cost much lower than off-season. But,sincethey are also highly perishable, we need to come up with waystoutilize them or to prolong their shelf life. Preservingfruitsthrough canning method is the best way to enjoy yourfavoritefruits for a longer period. This recipe app will help youcreatedelicious jams, jellies, marmalades, preserves, purees andcompotelike no other. The instructions are very easy to follow andtheingredients are readily available in most supermarkets. Thisappbrings you a wonderful selection of fruit preserve recipesthatwill surely satisfy your sweet tooth! Jams, jellies, andmarmaladesmake a nice spread for your breakfast toasts. Whilepreserves,purees, and compote will come handy when preparingdesserts for youand your loved ones. You can use them as a fillingor a topping forcakes. Navigating this recipe app is easy-peasy,once installed onyour mobile device you can already access all yourfavorite recipesanytime because you don’t need to stay connected tothe internet.All of the recipes here have Nutritional information,so you willknow the amount of calories that each one has. Then, tohelp youwith meal planning, this app has a Shopping List featurewhereinyou can select all the ingredients that you need to buy.Now, youcan say goodbye to ready-made fruit preserves in thegroceryshelves! DOWNLOAD this Jam Jellies and Preserves app NOW andget aBONUS recipe “Homemade Mango Apple Chutney”! Featuredrecipes:Ginger-Spiced Apricot Jam Homemade Red Currant Jam SpicedFig JamThe Ultimate Strawberry Jam Apricot and Peach Jam Pear JamwithCardamom Cinnamon Spiced Mango Jam Spiced Plum Jam withWalnutsRhubarb Jam with Vanilla Peach Orange Jam RaspberryWatermelon JamBlack Currant Jam Cherry and Cranberry Jelly VanillaPlum JellyLemon Apricot Jelly Peach Mango Jelly Easy HomemadeOrangeMarmalade Grapefruit Lemon Marmalade Apricot and PeachPreservesSpiced Rhubarb and Strawberry Preserves Rose Water ScentedPeachCompote Peach and Orange Compote Apple Compote with CinnamonPeachand Apple Puree Homemade Mango Apple Chutney
Content Arcade Apps
There is no doubt that potato is one of the most popularvegetablesand also considered as a comfort food. Potatoes are notonly niceto eat but also packs a ton of nutrition. It can providethe bodywith good amounts of carbohydrates and protein for energyas wellas potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 that can help ourbodyorgans to function well. To many people, potato is animportantfood staple because of its versatility as an ingredient.Whether itis mashed, baked or roasted, you can never go wrong withpotatoes.You can also make soups and pancakes using potatoes.Whichever wayyou decide to prepare them, you will surely have afull stomach andsatisfied taste buds! This awesome app will guideyou in creatingdelightful meals for you and your family usingpotatoes as one ofthe main ingredients. The tender texture andunique creamy taste ofpotatoes make it a great addition to ourdaily meals. With an easyto navigate interface, this Easy PotatoRecipes app will let youbrowse all your favorite potato recipesanytime you like becauseonce installed on your mobile device thereis no more internetconnection needed to run the app. With regard tonutrition, eachrecipe comes with a nutritional information to guideyouaccordingly; and to help you in meal planning this app isalsoequipped with a Shopping List feature wherein you can easilyselectthe ingredients that you need to buy. Don’t delay, getstarted byDOWNLOADING this amazing app NOW! Featured Potato recipesin thisapp: Potato Zucchini and Onion Bake with Mozzarella Potatoand BeefCasserole Hearty Potato and Mushroom Meat Stew BakedScallopedPotatoes Creamy Potato Frittata with Parmesan QuinoaBroccoli andPotato Burger Patty Twice-Baked Potatoes with Cheddarand ChivesCreamy Potato Chicken and Egg Salad Spicy Potato andRocket Saladwith Anchovies Cheesy Baked Potato with Chili EasyHasselbackPotatoes Potato and Apple Pancakes Cheesy Turkey Ham andHash BrownCasserole Corned Beef Hash Potato and Shrimp Fritterswith HerbedYogurt Dip Potato and Salmon Pancakes Herbed Potato andCauliflowerMash Potato Mash with Caramelized Onion Gnocchi withTomato Basiland Parmesan
Weight Watch: BMI Calculator-Recipes-Workouts 5.0
Content Arcade Apps
This sure isn’t an easy process, however, following simpleyeteffective fat burning foods, meals and workouts can go a longway.You will see that with the help of simple diet tricks andfatburning foods you can totally change your lifestyle, and ofcoursein a positive way. Natural fat burners like foods andsimpleworkouts can not only boost your metabolism; they also keepyoufull the whole day. We are back with yet another app “FatBurnerFoods & WorkOuts” which includes everything from mealplans toBMI or fitness calculator to workouts and information abouthealthyfoods. This best fat burner app could be your ultimatesolution ifyou are searching for a belly fat burner exercises ormeal plans.Today, when there are numerous products available in themarketnamed as “Fat Burners for Women” or “Fat Burners for Men”it’sbeyond hard to find something that actually works. We get thatonseeing the phrases like “Best Fat Burner” or “Belly FatBurner”,you might be a little skeptical? Well, it is quite had tobelievethat right amount of fats, carbs, and proteins in your bodycouldactually lead you to lose weight. But there are some fatburningworkouts as well as fat burning foods which can help toburncalories as you digest them. Fat burning foods are a greatsourceto enhance metabolism and trigger hormones with high fat.This appis the best fat burner app because of its simplicityanduser-friendliness. With a simple layout, it offers youalmosteverything. You can find out which foods are healthier foryou,plan a meal and start a work out following the fitnesscalculatoror BMI. Four sections featured in the app are: - YourMeal Plan -Fitness Calculator - Work Outs - Healthy Food Under MealPlan,there are four categories including Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,andSnacks. You can easily choose, under each category, the recipeyouprefer. You just have to tap on the image, and you will be takentothe ingredients and method along with the NutritionalInformation.Fitness Calculator allows you to calculate the BMI andgenerateyour meal plan accordingly. In Work Out section, there isgiven adetailed work out which is amazingly helpful in losingweight andburning fat. Lastly, in Healthy Food, you can findinformationabout healthy foods which are very useful as natural fatburners orbelly fat burner including Non-Starchy Vegetables, Dairy,Fat,Fruits, Proteins, and Starches. As promised, in this free andbestfat burner app you are offered a lot of information about howtolose those extra pounds. If you are not sure about how toincludethese fat burning foods into your daily meal plan, startwithHealthy Food and see what and how much you should have aparticularfood per serving. On first installing this handy app onyourAndroid device, you will be asked to calculate your BMIbeforeguiding you to generate your meal plan. The wait is over!Downloadand install this BEST Fat Burner Foods & Work Outs,NOW!
STIR-FRY Recipe - Easy Delicious Cooking 6.4
Content Arcade Apps
Stir-frying is one of the most basic ways of cooking food that onlyrequires just a few minutes of your time in the kitchen. Thiscooking method is very popular in the Asian cuisine and normallycalls for ingredients such as meat, seafood, vegetables, tofu, andnoodles. With stir-frying your options are endless, you can mix andmatch your ingredients to create another satisfying dish. You canalso use different seasonings, herbs, and spices to enhance theflavor. In stir-frying, keep in mind not to overcook yourvegetables, always aim for that crisp-tender texture. This is alsoa good way to retain its freshness and for you to get all thenutrients that are present in them since there are vitamins andminerals that are not stable to heat. This Easy Stir-Fry Recipesapp contains many easy, tasty, and healthy stir fry recipes thatyou can include when planning your meals. At present, more and morepeople prefer stir frying because it only requires a small amountof oil to cook your food which is good especially for those who arewatching their weight. Navigating this Easy Stir-Fry Recipes app isvery easy. Once downloaded and installed on your device there is nomore internet connection needed to browse on your favorite recipes.You will see here that each recipe comes with a lovely photo andall you need to do is to tap on it to show the full recipe detailsand Nutritional Information to serve as your easy reference. Tohelp you further, this app can also help you create a ShoppingList, by simply selecting all the ingredients that you need to buy.DOWNLOAD this awesome app NOW and start enjoying all the recipeshere! Featured EASY STIR-FRY RECIPES in this app: Spicy Beef andBroccoli Wok Stir-Fry with Sesame Bitter Gourd Stir-Fry with Eggand Tomato Squid and Asparagus Stir-Fry with Chili Shrimp andMushroom Stir-Fry in Spicy Asian Sauce Garlic Chicken and AsparagusStir-Fry Chicken Noodle and Veggie Stir Fry Marinated Beef Tips andVeggie Stir-Fry Cabbage Mushroom and Pepper Stir-Fry Seafood StirFry with Water Spinach Stir Fried Asparagus with Garlic SpicyShrimp and Bean Stir-Fry Tofu and Pepper Stir-Fry with ChiliAsian-Style Seafood and Vegetable Stir-Fry Stir Fried Chicken withBlack Bean and Chili Sauce Stir-Fried Beef with Green Bean andPepper Shrimp Broccoli and Cauliflower Stir-Fry Stir-fried Scallopsand Mixed Vegetables
Content Arcade Apps
Healthy Soup Recipes will let you learn many delightful souprecipes from different cuisines that you can include in youreveryday meals. Surely, these sumptuous soups will not only bringyou comfort but can also make you feel satisfied for longer hoursbecause they are filling too. Now, you can say goodbye torestaurant bought soups that usually contain a high amount of saltand other unwanted preservatives. The ingredients used in this appare very easy to find and the instructions are beginner-friendly.With the help of this amazing Healthy Soup Recipes app, you cancreate your own soup at home that will surely bring smiles! You andyour loved ones will get to enjoy the variety of the ingredientsused in each recipe. Navigating your favorite soup recipes usingthis app is very easy, you can select your desired recipe just bytapping on the assigned image. It will show you all the detailsincluding the nutritional information which can help you stay ontrack with your diet. You can also choose all the ingredients thatyou need to buy and it will show in the Shopping List section. Allyou need to do is to have it installed on your mobile device; thenyou can enjoy all the healthy soup recipes here anytime you likebecause there is no more internet connection needed to run thisapp. So what are you waiting for? DOWNLOAD this app NOW! FeaturedSoup Recipes in this app: Cream of Chicken and Carrot Soup withDill Sweet Potato and Leek Soup Chunky Vegetable Soup FreshGazpacho Soup Fish and Corn Soup Curried Chicken and Potato Chowderwith Herbs Zucchini and Tomato Soup with Basil Hot and Sour FishSoup Hearty Bean and Vegetable Soup Tofu Miso and Spinach Soup withChives Easy Vietnamese Pho Soup Spicy Soba Noodles and Beef SoupCorn and Potato Chowder Hearty Meatball Soup with Vegetables Lentiland Celery Soup with Lemon Russian-Style Borscht Soup Beef GoulashSoup Spicy Winter Soup
Content Arcade Apps
A common problem when cooking meat, poultry, fish or vegetablebyusing dry heat such as grilling, baking or roasting is that itcanmake them dry and would often give you a bland taste. Ofcourse,nobody wants that, so the perfect way to avoid this fromhappeningis by marinating them. It will bring out the flavor ofyour foodand will also give you a better texture. Creating yourownmarinades at home is easy with the help of this app. It isalsobudget-saving because the recipes here often calls for just afewbasic ingredients which you might already have. This recipeappwill come handy especially if you are fond of hostingbarbecueparties. Cooking food using one of these marinades can makeittaste even better. The marinade recipes here uses differentkindsof spices and herbs to give you a truly flavorful dish. Therecipeinstructions are very simple that even beginners can easilyfollow.Now, you can say goodbye to commercially-prepared marinades.Soundsgreat, isn’t it? DOWNLOAD this Easy Marinade Recipes app NOWandstart creating delightful dishes at home! Here are some ofthefeatured recipes in this app: Chicken Satay MarinadeCevicheMarinade Chili Garlic Marinade for Lamb Chops Chicken TikkaMasalaMarinade Indian Spice Marinade Mixed Herb Garlic and OilMarinadeMarinara Sauce Marinade Red Wine Vinegar Onion and OreganoMarinadeYogurt with Garam Masala Marinade Lemon Butter and GarlicMarinadewith Rosemary Spicy Tomato Marinade with Basil Spicy YogurtandLemon Marinade Garlic and Spice Marinade with Maple Honey LemonandHerb Marinade Homemade Fajita Marinade Spiced BalsamicMapleMarinade Chili Lime Chicken Marinade Homemade Jerk ChickenMarinadeParsley Garlic and Lemon Marinade Honey Mustard and GarlicMarinadeKorean Chicken Barbecue Marinade Mustard Yogurt LambMarinade RedCurry Mayo Marinade Easy Basil Pesto Marinade HomemadeSteakMarinade
Daily To Do Checklist App - Daily Planner 10.0
Content Arcade Apps
Daily to do checklist app is the simple check list app thatallowsyou to rely on to do reminders or task management list tomake iteasy for you to complete all your daily tasks. The best taskchecklist free app with reminder is here, and it helps you tomanageyour daily to do tasks in far convenient manner and that istocheckilst. How often do you find yourself in a situation whereyoucould not finish a significant task, only because you forgottaskto do? You are human! Being human it is natural for us toforgetthings sometimes. However, not if you have a solution tothat. Thisdaily to do checklist free is your daily task management&checklist app that has been exclusively designed to beyourefficient personal tasks to do in time and in efficient way,righton your Android device. This daily to do checklist app orweeklyreminder app is handy to get you organized and to keep upwith thetasks of everyday life with the minimal effort just bychecklisting daily tasks which you have to do. Just downloadthereminder to do free app, and it will handle the rest for youasmanager. With its super logical to do reminders based layout,thisdaily to do checklist app free allows you to prioritize thedailythings that you need to do in a better way. You can add thetitleand any notes related to the daily tasks and set a reminder todowith the help of a quick user interface and a minimal numberoftaps. Whether you are looking for to do checklist manager or todolist organizer, this is the best to do tasks manager for youtomanage tasks, lists and notes. It is a to do list forgirls,students and kids alike; anyone can use it. If you want tomake atask list and your life easier today, go ahead and downloadthebest To Do checklist app NOW! Moreover, if you face anyproblemwhile downloading or using this daily work reminder app, dous afavor by letting us know right away. Get in touch with useither byleaving a review and briefly mentioning the nature of theissue orwriting us on the given e-mail id. Thank you fordownloading andusing daily to do checklist app, hope you’ll likeit!!! Daily To DoChecklist App Features: - User-friendly interfaceand taskmanagement - To do checklist reminder and to do checklistplannerapp - To do task reminders and notifications - Set to doreminderwith an alarm - Smart notifications exactly at the righttime - Byplanning ahead, never miss a deadline now - Option tocheck ascomplete or delete the task - Boost your productivity -Simple yetefficient organization How to Use Daily To Do ChecklistApp: -Download and install the to do checklist app on your Androiddevice- Once you have downloaded the to do app, open it - On thehomepage, there is a button which you have to tap to add a new list-Set the task priority as High or Normal - Also, adjust thetimeduration for which you want the app to remind of the To Do -Tap onthe Save button - Once the task is completed, you can mark itordelete Now enjoy managing your daily tasks by setting reminderonthis reminder app for free. You will really like and love thisfreedaily to do checkilst app.
Dessert Recipes - Easy Yummy & Delicious Recipes 11.0
Content Arcade Apps
Dessert recipes app brings you a wide selection of yummy&delicious dessert recipes including cakes, pastries, icecream,jellies, and so much more! We all crave for a comfort foodonce inawhile and there is nothing better than having a delectabledessertto treat ourselves after a long busy day. This easy dessertrecipesapp contains recipes that are beginner-friendly and makesuse ofingredients that are easy to find. In making fruity desserts,youcan use different kinds of fruit or add some nuts, if desired.But,have to keep in mind that for baked goodies, it is a must tousethe exact measurements for your ingredients to achieve thebestresults. Navigating this dessert recipes app is very easy, youcanchoose your desired dessert recipe by tapping on theassignedphoto. Then, each recipe also comes with a Nutritionalinformationso you will have an idea on the amount of calories thateach onehas. Once downloaded on your Android device, you canalready accessall the recipes even without internet connection. Getstarted byDOWNLOADING this Easy Dessert Recipes app NOW! FeaturedDessertrecipes: Choco Lava Cake Easy Tiramisu Cake Sweet LemonPuddingPeaches and Cream Cheesecake Cherry Cheesecake in a Jar EasyCrèmeBrulee Crepes with Mixed Berries Homemade Apple Pie MeringueBitesCreamy Red Currant Tart Coconut Lemon Bars Fudgy BrownieswithStrawberries and Cherries Toffee Cashew Brownies Creamy MangoJellyMold Panna Cotta with Raspberry Sauce Coffee Jelly andCreamDessert Vanilla Mango Panna Cotta Almond Jelly withLycheeCaramelized Orange Cream Custard Chocolate Mousse withStrawberriesCreamy Citrus Rice Pudding with Cinnamon Mango SupremeDessertStrawberry Ricotta and Granola Dessert Creamy YogurtwithBlackberry Sauce
Sandwich Recipes 15.0
Content Arcade Apps
Sandwich Recipes app will let you learn many different waystoprepare your sandwiches; they are nice to bring along at schoolorwork because they are portable and easy to eat. A perfect grabandgo food that you can enjoy while traveling to work or toanydestination that you may have. When making sandwiches, the listforfilling ingredients are endless. This recipe app offersawesomeideas to help you in making delicious sandwiches that youwillsurely enjoy. Sandwich Recipes app is very easy to use.Simplydownload this app and once installed on your mobile device,you canbrowse on your favorite recipes anytime even withoutinternetconnection. Each recipe comes with a nutritionalinformation tohelp you keep track with your diet. There is also aShopping Listwherein you can select ingredients that you need tobuy then itwill all show in one go. So what are you waiting for?Download thisamazing Sandwich Recipes app NOW! Featured SandwichRecipes in thisapp are the following: Tuna Apple Salad SandwichCottage Cheese andRadish Sandwich with Chives Smoked Salmon CottageCheese andArugula Sandwich Spiced Beef Wrap Chicken Pepper andOnion Sandwichwith Dill Egg Guacamole and Spinach on Rye BreadShrimp Egg andVeggie Wrap Chicken Waldorf Salad Sandwich HomemadeChicken FajitaWrap Chicken with Mango Chutney Sandwich MushroomOmelette Sandwichwith Tomato Chicken Burger with Arugula and CheeseSandwich Salmonand Arugula Sandwich with Onion Chicken Egg andCheese SandwichSpicy Tuna Panini Sandwich Mozzarella Tomato andBasil PaniniSandwich Open-Faced Caprese Salad Sandwich Tuna Cornand LettuceSandwich Chicken Ham and Cheese Panini Sandwich ChickenBurger Eggand Cheese on Bagel Turkey Ham and Guacamole Sandwichwith AlfalfaRoast Beef Sandwich Wrap
Image Resizer - Crop Photos & Reduce Pictures Size 5.1
Content Arcade Apps
Look no further! You have found the best image resizer andconverterfor Android. There are hundreds offline and online imageresizertools, apps and software available in the market. All ofthesereadily available tools and applications let you reduce photosize.Image Resizer: Crop and Compress Photo & Picture is aphotoresizing app that makes photo resize process so much easier.Thefriendly user interface, accessibility, andstraight-forwardfunctionality make this the best image resizer andconverter app tocompress photo, photo crop, or picture resize.Image Resizer: Cropand Compress Photo & Picture will make ittrouble-free toresize image or photos. Using this best imageresizer andconverter, you can resize picture or crop it. Whatdistinguishesthis app from the rest is that it will reduce photosize withoutcompromising the quality of the image. In this modernera, whodoesn’t like taking and sharing pictures. Sharing pictureswithfriends and family has become effortless. However, sometimesitbecomes a little difficult due to large image file size. Thatiswhy it is recommended to resize image using a photo resizerbeforesharing it through email or social networking sites. Thereare somephoto shrinker, picture resizer or photo resizer apps thatcan leadto low image quality when the image is resized, compressedorcropped. But not this best image resizer and compressor! Ifyouneed help with image resize or photo crop, then download thisappnow. Features of Image Resizer: Crop and Compress Photo&Picture app: • Easy to use photo resizer with a friendlyuserinterface • Free image resize and photo crop app • Rotate orflipan image in any direction • Crop or resize picture indifferentresolutions • Resize image with the custom resolution •Nodifference in image quality Go ahead and download ImageResizer:Crop and Compress Photo & Picture on your Androiddevice rightaway! --------------- Compress image or resize imagewith our handyimage resizer and compressor. If you like using theapp, then don’tforget to give us five stars and leave a helpfulreview with yourfeedback and suggestions. Thanks for downloadingImage Resizer:Crop and Compress Photo & Picture!
Pancake Recipes 8.0
Content Arcade Apps
Whether you are in search for a sweet or savory pancake, thisappgot you covered! It has a wide variety of pancake recipes, fromthemost basic recipes to something extraordinary. This recipe appwillcome handy if you are a person who loves pancakes. The recipeshereare very easy to prepare and tastes great too. They are perfecttohave for breakfast, brunch, or lunch. To make it easier foryou,the recipes here uses common household measurements,simpleingredients that are available in your local store, and alsocomeswith beginner-friendly instructions. If you’ve got kids,makingpancakes is a good way to spend your weekend mornings withthem.They will enjoy it for sure and appreciate that they helpyoucreate them with their own little hands. Navigating thisEasyPancake Recipes app is so easy, just tap on the photo toselectyour desired recipe and it will show you all the detailsincludingthe Nutritional Information towards the end of eachrecipe. To helpyou further, you can select the ingredients that youneed to buyand it will show in the Shopping list section. Onceinstalled onyour Android device, you’ll get to access all yourfavorite pancakerecipes even without internet connection. What areyou waiting for?Get started by DOWNLOADING this Easy PancakeRecipes app NOW!Featured recipes: Almond Pancakes with Orange MapleSyrup BasicRussian Pancakes Recipe (Blini) Blueberry Pancakes withVanillaCream Sauce Buckwheat Pancakes with Mixed Berry SauceAppleCinnamon Pancakes with Orange Syrup Buttermilk PancakeswithChocolate and Fresh Berries Cardamom Spiced Ricotta PancakeswithYogurt Chocolate Pancakes with Orange Recipe CinnamonSpicedRicotta Pancakes with Poppy Seeds Coconut Pancakes withBlueberryEasy Nutella Pancakes Recipe Amaranth and Almond PancakewithBlueberry Fruity French Pancakes Lemon Pancakes with BerryCompoteOrange Pancakes with Honey Pancakes with Smoked SalmonPancakeswith Sour Cream and Chives Potato Pancakes with Sour CreamandSalmon Pumpkin Orange Pancakes with Cinnamon Rolled PancakeswithRicotta and Mixed Berries Savory Pancakes with Red CaviarSavoryQuinoa Pancakes with Poached Egg Fluffy Pancakes with LemonandAgave Nectar Spiced Pumpkin Pancakes with Maple SyrupSpinachZucchini Pancakes with Herbs Berry Pancake Wrap
Content Arcade Apps
If you need a cold drink that can satisfy your sweet cravings,thisis the perfect app for you! With the help of this amazingapp,there is no more reason for you to go to a coffee shop justtoenjoy your favorite Mocha Frap. This app brings you agreatselection of frappe recipes that you can easily make at thecomfortof your home. Frappes are flavorful, cold, blended drinksthat maycome in so many different flavors. Popular Frappe flavorsarechocolate, coffee, mocha, and caramel. You can also makeFrappesusing different kinds of fruits like berries, mango, banana,andavocado to name a few. Simply download this app and haveitinstalled on your mobile device for quick access on all oftherecipes. Once installed, you can run the app even withoutinternetconnection. Each recipe has an assigned photo andnutritionalinformation. You can also use the Shopping List featureby justselecting the ingredients that you need to buy. Go aheadandsurprise your loved ones with a glass of these fineconcoctions!Featured Frappe Recipes in this app: Banana SplitFrappe CinnamonSpiced Coffee Frappe Rich Chocolate Frappe ChocolateHazelnutFrappe Ultimate Mocha Frappe Choco Strawberry and CoconutFrappeCookies and Cream Frappe Decadent Tiramisu Frappe MatchaFrappeHorchata Frappe Mexican Chocolate Frappe Pumpkin and CaramelSpiceFrappe Chocolate Raspberry Frappe White Chocolate FrappeCherryFrappe Blast Coffee Caramel Apple Frappe Coffee PeanutButterFrappe Chocolate Ricotta Frappe Peppermint Mocha FrappeAlmondChocolate Frappe Deep Dark Chocolate Frappe Choco BananaFrappeMocha Java Frappe White Chocolate and Caramel FrappeStrawberry andWhite Chocolate Frappe Coffee Crumble Frappe AmarettoCoffee FrappeArabica Coffee and Nutella Frappe
Salmon Recipes 9.1
Content Arcade Apps
This recipe app offers an awesome selection of salmon recipesfromsimple to something extraordinary. Salmon is one of the mostlovedmeat alternatives because of its unique taste andversatility.Salmon is also budget-friendly and available year-roundwhich makesit ideal to include in planning meals for you and yourfamily.Cooking salmon is very easy and would often require only afewminutes of your time to prepare. You can also use variouscookingmethods such as poaching, pan-frying, baking, grilling,androasting; either way you are guaranteed to have a succulent dishonyour table within minutes. To make your salmon moreflavorful,simply throw in some herbs and spices, and they are readyto go.This Easy Salmon Recipes app gives you a wide variety ofrecipes,included here are main dish recipes, pasta, salads, andsandwiches.It has everything you need if you want to learn how topreparedishes using salmon as a main ingredient. To have fullaccess tothe recipes anytime you want, all you need to do is todownloadthis app and install on your Android device. Navigatingyourfavorite salmon recipes has never been this easy and fun. ThisEasySalmon Recipes app will present you with different categorieslikeBreakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Then each salmon recipe isprovidedwith a lovely photo, and all you need to do is to tap onthe image,and it will show all the details including thenutritionalinformation. Don’t delay, go ahead and DOWNLOAD thisEasy SalmonRecipes app NOW! Here are some of the featured recipesin this app:Roasted Salmon and Asparagus with Pesto Grilled CajunSalmon GlazedSalmon in Sweet Chili and Lime Spicy Salmon inHoney-Ginger GlazeSalmon Kebabs with Lemon and Rosemary GrilledSalmon with HoneyMustard Sauce Salmon and Cottage Cheese Pattieswith Chives Salmonand Veggie Burger Patties Spiced Salmon andVeggie Kebabs SmokedSalmon Omelette with Herbs Salmon Cheese andPasta CasserolePan-Fried Salmon with Mixed Vegetables FettucciniSalmon and Peasin White Sauce Spiral Pasta with Salmon and Spinachin White SauceSalmon and Herb Risotto Grilled Salmon with CaesarSalad Salmon andPotato Salad Salmon Corn and Pasta Salad withBalsamic DressingMediterranean Salmon Salad Salmon Orange andArugula Salad GrilledSalmon Burger Salmon Sandwich with Avocado andEgg Salmon Feta andPesto Wrap Salmon Sour Cream and Chives Sandwich
Meme Generator - Meme Maker to create Funny Memes 15.0
Content Arcade Apps
Meme Generator - Meme Maker app is a free memes creator thatallowsyou to create and caption memes. It is crafty andstraightforward;this memes creator is all that you have beenlooking for to createfunny memes. The popular memes are viralcuriosities that arespread through the internet in no time. Itcould be memes faces,images, a piece of text or video, etc., whichmostly tends to behumorous. The majority of the modern funny memesare captioned memefaces or images, humorous in nature, often in away to publiclyridicule human behavior. However, apart from beingthe absurd funnymemes, they can often come with a broad culturaland politicalundertone. There are quite a few modern meme makerapps availableon the internet that allows you to create memesonline or offline.If you are someone who finds these funniest memesinteresting, thenyou will definitely love to make your own meme.Right? We offer youthe best meme maker for Instagram to make andcaption memes. Usethis meme generator app and create your custommemes, right away.This best Meme Generator free app is a photo memecreator app whereyou are can create your very own funniest memes.This best mememaker app requires you to use your creativity andcome up with thestuff that is amusing. This meme generator free appis an ultimateapp for all meme lovers. With this photo memecreator, you can makeyour own memes, and when you have created yourfunny memes, you cansave them and share them with your friendsthrough Facebook,WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Messenger, E-mailand more. If aphoto meme creator app is what you are looking for tocreate funnymemes, then this is the best meme generator app, and itis alsofree. Use this best meme maker app now to make your ownmeme. KeyFeatures of Meme Generator- Meme Maker Quick and simplememescreator Over 300 popular meme images or meme templatesMemeGenerator regularly updates meme templates Choose one of thememeimages or upload your own Meme images are cropable androtatableSave and share your custom memes to other socialnetworking appsCustom memes – Use your own image from the galleryMeme maker freedoesn’t automatically share or upload any meme thatyou may createAdjustable text size No watermark on the meme imagesMultipleoptions available to make memes and caption meme Meme sizeand memesaving path can be changed in the settings Make memes,caption memeand preview them while creating How to Use MemeGenerator - MemeMaker: Go to Google Play Store and download/installmeme creatorapp on your android device Open this meme creator whenit isinstalled Change the settings as per your requirement Choosefromthe available meme templates or upload your own image fromthegallery Add your caption to the meme faces or image Save it tothegallery and share. You share it directly to yourFacebook,Instagram or WhatsApp. If you are facing any issue, thendon’thesitate to reach out to us. You can briefly mention yourproblemin the review, or you can write us an e-mail. If you are amemelover, then download our best Meme Generator, NOW! Use thismemegenerator free to create funniest memes. Use our best mememakerfree to create cool and funny memes but also, don’t forget torateand review Meme Generator. Note: Meme Generator free app doesnotshare any of your generated content without your priorknowledge.Your privacy is valued and respected. Meme Images or memetemplatesin this app do not reflect our opinions.